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Thread: IGF-1LR3 Side Effects????

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads

    IGF-1LR3 Side Effects????

    I have been seeing more and more posts on people trying IGF. I have read mixed comments on gains but have yet to read any on sides.... The reason I ask this is b/c my good friend is taking 60mcg a day now slpit up between 2 doses. One AM and one Postworkout. He's getting good results but said he is so unmotivated and lathargic. More so on the IGF then on the Slin which is surprising to me.

    Anyone experience any similar sides???? He's been on it for 2 weeks now and has 2 left.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I haven't but have heard of guys that have


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach
    Slin kicks my ass compared to IGF. BTW I had to stop the slin becasue it distends my abdomen way to much. IGF seems to do the same so both together sucks. Other then that, I'm holding more water..

  4. #4
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    Slin kicks my ass compared to IGF. BTW I had to stop the slin becasue it distends my abdomen way to much. IGF seems to do the same so both together sucks. Other then that, I'm holding more water..
    You sound like you're pregnant.

  5. #5
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16

    Anyone experience any similar sides????
    On my last run of IGF,the final week I ran 100 mcgs.That was the only time LR3 IGF-1 has ever made me lethargic.Will be interesting to see on my next cycle what will occur at 120 mcgs:-O


  6. #6
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    It's very uncomfortable. Its distended just below my chest and the entire abdomen is swollen. Stick you gut out at much as you can. That’s how it is all the time after my first meal. So eating just makes it more uncomfortable and my appetite is down 50% or more so carbs are not going down. I would say it’s VAT but this happens within 24 hours after IGF, slin, DBOL. It happens fast. There are a few guys this happens to. I might see the doc about this but this has happened as long as I can!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    You sound like you're pregnant.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    On my last run of IGF,the final week I ran 100 mcgs.That was the only time LR3 IGF-1 has ever made me lethargic.Will be interesting to see on my next cycle what will occur at 120 mcgs:-O


    Yea I can't wait either.

    I'm really big on feedback from others that why I appreciate this board. Especially when it comes to LR3 b/c there isn't any written documentation on the experimental effects of it on humans. Well....................I'm sure there is just hasn't been released to the public.

  8. #8
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    I'm still debating on what’s better, $600 per 30 days of IGF or GH/Slin. I'm starting to think GH/Slin would be a better mix then IGF. IGF works but 6-8 IU’s of GH with slin sounds better to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    On my last run of IGF,the final week I ran 100 mcgs.That was the only time LR3 IGF-1 has ever made me lethargic.Will be interesting to see on my next cycle what will occur at 120 mcgs:-O


  9. #9
    When I use LR3 I am def. lethargic. But I run slin and lr3 together.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    Slin kicks my ass compared to IGF. BTW I had to stop the slin becasue it distends my abdomen way to much. IGF seems to do the same so both together sucks. Other then that, I'm holding more water..
    maybe too much carbs.
    i drink 40 gr protein shake (no carbs) pwo with slin.

    diet with slin also, 30 ´´waist.
    i love ketogenics diets.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    I'm still debating on what’s better, $600 per 30 days of IGF or GH/Slin. I'm starting to think GH/Slin would be a better mix then IGF. IGF works but 6-8 IU’s of GH with slin sounds better to me.
    $600 for IGF in a month??? I'm assuming you're running 2mgs Igtrpopin or maybe you're referring to Pinnacles Dose at 100mgs/day?? Even so these days you can get 1mg of LR3 for $135-$150. 100mcg a day for 30 days you'll need 3mgs. Not that bad on the pockets.................

    As far as the difference between IGF-1LR3 and GH its basically and time issue and age factor. I have to say that I've gotten better overall results from GH but take several months to surface. Now when you combine the 2 (GH/SLIN) that's a different story.

    As far as the LR3 is concerned. At my age of 25 I think I"m better off running that a month on and a month off. I get much quicker results that usually kick in within a week. Great pumps in the gym, strength goes up slightly, stay nice and lean if not a little leaner.

    As I stated before Puff, just a metter of preference. If $$ wasn't an issue, I'd run GH a year at a time while cycling LR3. Remember, when on the LR3 the GH dose drops down to about 2iu (in my case). That right there makes it cheaper.................

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Nodos are your friend...
    One in the morning, one 30min before gym...

    Quote Originally Posted by notus
    When I use LR3 I am def. lethargic. But I run slin and lr3 together.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    I'm still debating on what’s better, $600 per 30 days of IGF or GH/Slin. I'm starting to think GH/Slin would be a better mix then IGF. IGF works but 6-8 IU’s of GH with slin sounds better to me.
    Your probably right.Slin is the one thing that scares me for some reason.So I stick with my 6-9 iu's HGh and anabolics.Throw IGF in occasionally to spice things up.I like IGF,but it's not all that.

    ***I feel ya on the distended belly issue.I have a slight distention form high dose HGH when I was younger.


  14. #14
    i love slin

  15. #15
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    On my last run of IGF,the final week I ran 100 mcgs.That was the only time LR3 IGF-1 has ever made me lethargic.Will be interesting to see on my next cycle what will occur at 120 mcgs:-O

    I know this is specultion, you must have an idea, what dose do you think the pro`s run IGF-1, cheers boss


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I know this is specultion, you must have an idea, what dose do you think the pro`s run IGF-1, cheers boss

    An insider told me he knows of two that run 150 mcgs and upward.


  17. #17
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach
    80mcg to 100mcg ED and I've been using MR. 3mgs= $500 and something for 30 days.

    I agree with you on everything. I'm 36 and just 2IU's is working well. I think 6IU's would be magic with Slin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    $600 for IGF in a month??? I'm assuming you're running 2mgs Igtrpopin or maybe you're referring to Pinnacles Dose at 100mgs/day?? Even so these days you can get 1mg of LR3 for $135-$150. 100mcg a day for 30 days you'll need 3mgs. Not that bad on the pockets.................

    As far as the difference between IGF-1LR3 and GH its basically and time issue and age factor. I have to say that I've gotten better overall results from GH but take several months to surface. Now when you combine the 2 (GH/SLIN) that's a different story.

    As far as the LR3 is concerned. At my age of 25 I think I"m better off running that a month on and a month off. I get much quicker results that usually kick in within a week. Great pumps in the gym, strength goes up slightly, stay nice and lean if not a little leaner.

    As I stated before Puff, just a metter of preference. If $$ wasn't an issue, I'd run GH a year at a time while cycling LR3. Remember, when on the LR3 the GH dose drops down to about 2iu (in my case). That right there makes it cheaper.................

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach
    Slin isn't that bad. You're just at mercy post injection for 2-3 hours with you meal timing and intake. No room for error or missed meals. Other then that, simple for someone like yourself. Mr PinnCushion..

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Your probably right.Slin is the one thing that scares me for some reason.So I stick with my 6-9 iu's HGh and anabolics.Throw IGF in occasionally to spice things up.I like IGF,but it's not all that.

    ***I feel ya on the distended belly issue.I have a slight distention form high dose HGH when I was younger.


  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Isn't the lethargic side effect from not eating enough carbs?

  20. #20
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Isn't the lethargic side effect from not eating enough carbs?

    I'm not sure SJ because when I'm on Slin I'm always so dam lethargic and I eat like a mad man..

    I think the reason we are so tired is b/c the Injected slin is basically robbing our CNS of fuel and putting it right in our muscles. By doing that it takes away our primary source of energy (glucose). So instead of carbs being broken down to glucose and used for energy its all being transported to our muscles. Great for full muscles but bad for every day living. Similar to when you overeat. All your energy is being utilized in the breaking down of the food you consumed and taken away from energy stores. Same goes for the slin, it takes away from out energy and is using the carbs to transport material to our muscles.

  21. #21
    lethargic never.
    my pwo protein shake: zero carb!
    and no carbs,pro,fat, 2 1/2 hours before.

    pd:childs dont try at

  22. #22
    This is an interesting approach. Any data backing it up Oswald? I ALWAYS include carbs/protein 100/50 PWO after slin shot and a small meal 50/50 1 hour later.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    This is an interesting approach. Any data backing it up Oswald? I ALWAYS include carbs/protein 100/50 PWO after slin shot and a small meal 50/50 1 hour later.
    data is disperse,reasoning own.
    is based on ketogenic approach to dieting,you get energy from ketones (broken fat) and derived energy from alanine.
    but is very dangerous anyhow.

    pd: excuse my english,IBdmfkr.

  24. #24
    I'll stick to the carb method. Seems very dangerous, I agree.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    I'll stick to the carb method. Seems very dangerous, I agree.
    Maybe go hypo like that....

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