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As most of you men/ladies already know.Insulin is one drug I've avoided using out of fear.I've read quite a lot about it.I understand the mechanics behind using it,but this is the one drug that can drop you like a fly with one simple mistake.Thus being the reason,and only reason,it frightens me.
Well,it's time for me to get over that fear and man up,so to speak.
Currently I'm running a "mock" pre contest diet just to see what foods agree with my body,and what doesn't.My thoughts for running insulin directly after I complete the diet are this.I'm looking to take advantage of the rebound effect coming off a long,very strict diet.I'm currently just beginning week 4 of a somewhat beefy cycle.So my thoughts are,by running insulin after the diet is complete(In 5 days)I should be able to get that extra spurt of growth with the Insulin/anabolic combination.And with an increase in caloric intake as well.
Here's my questions for you fine peolple:
How much do you attribute to insulin for your over all growth (Muscle wise)? It doesnt make a HUGE difference, I feel the differences mroe than I see them, but it most definately helps out a little. (ie: recovery, fullness, anti-catabolism, and slight muscle building)
Do you feel it's actually worth the extra effort? Yes I do. You may wonder why after reading my first response, but isulin is VERY easy to use GRANTED you know how to use it right and safely.
I'm currently 223 lbs/5.5 % BF...what would be a good starting dose for my current weight? I woudl start out at 4 iu's moving up 1-2 iu's per workout as you feel comfortable, not going higher than 10iu's on your first run. Maybe even 8ius
What would you suggest my PWO carb in take be (In grams)?I would go with the rule of thumb and start out at 10g of carbs (dextrose) per iu of slin. IMHO this is actually taking it way overboard (you will absolutely have no issues with hypo at this ratio) and quickly adjust your carb intake according to how you feel. I personally can go down to 5.5-6 iu without going hypo, but I in no way recommend this to ANYONE. You will probably end up discovering that 7g of carb/ iu is suitable for you.
Finally,for those that were kind enough to answer my questions,could you please post your pre work out/post work out meals? Pre-workout: chicken breast with brown rice (1.5 cups) or chicken breast with almonds. then I workout, shott 10 iu's of slin and have my PWO shake consisting of 55g of dextrose, 66g protein (this also has 6g of carbs in it, so it comes out to 61g carbs total), I wait an hour, and then have some lean protein (usually chicken or eggwhites) and a cup of brown rice. 2 hrs after this meal, I go back to my protein/fat meals. BTW< I use HUMALOG, which IMO is the best to use for our needs.
I honestly can't thank you guys enough for taking the time to answer my questions.
I'm preparing for a comp in mid 2006,and the info you men give me can help dramatically.
All my respect...