Hello guys, some advice would be great.
Ive been using gear now at what i would sya a high level for the last 8 years or. I am a competive BB from Australia. I have 4 Mr Australia titles and have used and tried almost everything. I have used GH precontest and offseason and got great results. I recently started using using insulin after my workouts and really like the mass i outting on , comobined with growth and about 1,500mg test. I compete at 245lbs and hit about 285-290 off season. My question is IGF, i know nothing about it and no one here in Aussie land seems to know alot about it, as its som damn hard to get. I can get my hands on
IGF 1 and i was wondering how much would i take for my size, how often and would you stack it with GH and Insulin? If not why not and what would happen if you did?
Thanks guys, any assitance i can help with also im happy to.