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Thread: Knee Pain on Jinotropin (GH)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Knee Pain on Jinotropin (GH)

    Ok Ive been on 3 IU's a day of jino for 5 weeks now. My knee the last few days has been killin me, just the one mind you. Ive had surgery on it twice already so It normally hurts but not this bad. My question is how long after starting GH does it take for the joint pain to start in most people? Also if just one is hurting is that ok or could I have possibly re-injured it?

    I have a bad habit of trying to walk injuries off that are alot worse than what I think they are, since I have been burnt in the past by doing this I want to make sure this pain is normal, before I just start ignoring it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Go see a Doc, to see if you did re-injure it


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Go see a Doc, to see if you did re-injure it

    Dammit I would blow almost anyone else off that answered that way. I hate goin to the ****in doctor. We'll see what he says.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Okay this might be a dumb question but it pertains to your question. You said how long does it take before GH starts hurting your joints. I thought GH was something to take to help build joints that have had injuries prior?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    West Palm Beach
    I had a bad knee for years and GH took the pain away in 6 months @ 2 IU's. I can do heavy leg presses again. Just for that the GH was worth it..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    I had a bad knee for years and GH took the pain away in 6 months @ 2 IU's. I can do heavy leg presses again. Just for that the GH was worth it..
    GH strengthens and builds tendons and ligaments. Maybe the pain the guy above is having is the ligaments growing over and repairing the damaged scar tissue in the injured knee? I always think back to when I was in my teens, early 20s. I user to recover from injuries so fast. I know it was from the increased GH in my body at that time. I remember rolling my ankle bad in a HS football game (after intercepting a pass...Had to get that in). It swelled up huge and the ligaments were stretched. I was in a cast for a week and a half with daily therapy on my ankle. I was playing again within 3 weeks with a taped ankle. No way I could do that now without GH therapy at 36 years old. GH is very good for your body.

    You always favor a injured body part by nature due to pain. That means the affected area begins a slow degeneration over time. So if the area is building up again there should naturally be pain. Just like growing pains in children. He needs to check with a doctor like Johnny says but I would think working the knee (isometrics) would be the right thing to do. I would assume the pain would eventually be gone for good with continued GH therapy and rehab.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 10-12-2005 at 10:11 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Okay okay thanks.. I was getting worried I spent a lot of freaking money on the wrong thing. I have damaged elbows from heavy lifting for years and I thought crap I had HGH all wrong.

    I have noticed that my joints seem to be giving me a little trouble right now but I am just starting a 6 month stint on GH.

    Thanks for clearing that up I was worried


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    Okay okay thanks.. I was getting worried I spent a lot of freaking money on the wrong thing. I have damaged elbows from heavy lifting for years and I thought crap I had HGH all wrong.

    I have noticed that my joints seem to be giving me a little trouble right now but I am just starting a 6 month stint on GH.

    Thanks for clearing that up I was worried

    Your elbows will probably feel 100% in a month or so. GH is wonderful. I've never taken it (less a 3 week run 10 years ago. Not worth it, very expensive back then) yet but I have many friends that have and I've done years of research on growth factors. I am planning a 12 month 4iu run at the beginning of the year. I'm 36 1/2 years old so it should be very effective. I'm currently in my last week of lr3igf-1 and that has been great with test.

    So just get through the pain/ache period and you'll be rewarded by what I've read.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 10-12-2005 at 11:32 AM.

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