Originally Posted by
Duct Tape
Found this e-mail posted over at 'Bolex........hmmmmm
From GroPep:
No-one who knowingly supplies IGF-I for human use would be an
authorised GroPep Distributor as this would be in breach of their contractual
agreement with us.
As Pat Wallace mentioned to you previously, LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I is a
GroPep patented product manufactured exclusively by GroPep for use in Cell
Culture. Like all GroPep products, it is NOT for use in humans or
animals. This product is only available to our registered cell culture
distributors, so no genuine product will be available elsewhere.
You may also be interested in the following information. To put it
simply, no-one in their right mind would use LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I in a human.
LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I is a different molecule to IGF-I, having a modified
amino acid sequence. This gives LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I a dramatically
different shape and different biological characteristics to IGF-I. What this
means is that results obtained with IGF-I may not apply to
LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I. LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I was specifically formulated for use in
Industrial Cell Culture on individual cells. In this application it works
brilliantly, being more potent than IGF-I. However isolated cells are
not the same as an intact animal as, for example, they do not have
kidneys or an immune system. As a result, LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I should NEVER
under ANY circumstances be used in humans as it may prove fatal. This has
nothing to do with purity, rather it is the LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I molecule
itself that is the potential problem. Illicit use is therefore a
safety issue. Anything anyone tells you to the contrary is rubbish,
irrespective of what evidence or experience they CLAIM to have.
The mistaken belief that IGF-I and particularly LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I are
useful as performance enhancing agents has resulted in a high demand for
LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I and a thriving trade in counterfeit products or
GroPep vials, vials that do not contain what is claimed on the label.
There is presently no scientific publication that shows selective
muscle build up following IGF-I administration in any species other than the
rat. In fact, due to various complications and side effects, systemic
administration of IGF-I has often been found in clinical trials to
decrease rather than increase lean muscle mass. So from a muscle building
point of view IGF-I doesn't work. Even the more reputable Body
Building magazines say so.
For your further information here are a few points to remember:
1. GroPep developed and holds the world wide Patents on
LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I and we are the only manufacturer. We will prosecute those who
infringe our Patent rights.
2. More IGF is supposedly available in any gym, on any street in any
city at any time than all the world's manufacturers of IGF could make in
10 years working round the clock. What is on offer therefore, cannot
possibly be IGF-I.
3. Making IGFs is very difficult. It is not something that a
back-yard lab could do.
4. IGF-I administration has only been shown to increase lean muscle
mass in rats, not in humans.
5. To the best of my knowledge, all the clinical trials that have been
undertaken using systemic IGF-I for building muscle mass have either
been terminated prematurely due to adverse reactions or have not proven
6. We know there is a culture or belief in the body building community
that GroPep products are easy to obtain. I can assure you that GENUINE
GroPep products are not.
7. We also know there is a thriving trade in fake GroPep vials, vials
that do not contain what is claimed on the label. What is in these
vials is anybody's guess but it is not IGF-I. To therefore use them would
be the chemical equivilant of Russian Roulette.
8. We have never found IGF-I or LONG[TM]R[3]IGF-I in any vial we have
been given to analyse, irrespective of what it may say on the label.
9. Our shipments do NOT go missing.
Kindest regards,
Dr. Stephen Hardy
Biotechnology Reagents Marketing Manager.