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Thread: Muscle injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Montréal, canada

    Muscle injection

    i've try tooday 1.5iu to see how my body will react nothing different, but im gonna start monday at 2iu 5on/2off first month and after 3iu for 5 month
    i was wonderinng about muscle injection, is that truth there gonna be more of a local grotwh?? do you recommand that??

    week 1-30 gh 2-3iuday 5on/2off
    week 12-26 prop 75-100mg/ed
    week 12-24 eq 400-600mg/ew
    week 15-23 tren a 50-75mg/ed
    week 26-30 pct


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    I've yet to see any substantial evidence that localized growth occurs due to spot injections.
    I've ran ester less gear(suspension)several times.Never noticed anything out of the ordinary.LR3 IGf-1 appears to give temporary inflation of the muscle injected.Example : I've shot the Bi's only during a whole IGF cycle.At the cycles end,they appeared to be larger and fuller.Only to deflate after the cycle was discontinued.My theory for that occurrence is an uptick in glycogen storage in that particular muscle.Once the drug is discontinued,glycogen storage goes back to it's normal rate.
    As for localized growth with HGH.That doesn't exist!!!!!Nor does localized fat reduction!!MYTH!!Bullshit!!!MYTH!!!Bullshit!!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Somewhere Near You :)
    Localized fat reduction does not work for me. I tried it on my stomach and knee's where I tend to get a tiny bit of fat there(Right above knee cap ) and nada!

    So I won't even bother posting the pics of knee that I was going to put up if it worked.

    But I do get leaner all around and have a more dense look (Harder) as if I'm getting harder from inside out if that makes sense.

    I just starting muscle injects (Side Delts )last night and will update if I get localized muscle increase.


    7 on 2 IU's a day ..One shot 3-4 hours before bed and 5 mg's of Var AM and 5mg's of Var PM.

    I'm lifting more weight then I did last year when I was on 100mg's of primo a week and Var (5-10 then 15 mg's ) everyday.

    This is a fact for me...Muscle's ARE bigger and I'm WAY stronger with just the HGH and Var... but like I said.. localized fat reduction..Nada!!

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