I just finished a cutting cyle of 9 weeks with masteron 50mg eod, tren 75mg eod, anavar 40mg ed. Last 2 week with clen at 120mcg.
Im curently at 98kg at 6% bodyfat. Im using the normal things like clomid clen.. in my pct. But am wondering if taking Hgh would be a good choice to use till my next cycle or maybe keep using it with my second cycle?
Wont to stay of AAS for about 3 months.
I wont to use it to stay lean (becouese probely a contest next year) en maybe ad some weight.. This is the first time using Hgh so how many Iu schould i take? i'm Thinking of starting with 4iu and then see how it goes? And what schould i take withg it? I dont want to get fat so slin is not an option.
Sorry that my englisch is not so good. I'm Dutch.