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Thread: GH and loose skin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    GH and loose skin

    Hey Bro's,
    Long time no post. I'm considering using HGH to remedy some loose skin. Back in high school I lost 70lbs over the course of 2 years and as a result have the looseness. I figure my only 2 options are HGH or surgery and would like to give the GH a go. I am happy with my muscular development and have no desire to pack on much more size, 5-10 lbs wouldn't hurt but if I didn't gain a lb off of GH I really wouldn't mind. Before an elbow injury i was about as lean i would want to be but the loose skin was really annoying. I could stand to lose about 10 lbs now but dropping weight really isn't a prob for me, plus from what i gather the weight just flies off on GH anyway. Anyway, my plan is to work up to 4IU's over 6 months using the 5 on 2 off method. Any advice or anyone who has done anything similar I would really appreciate.

    stats: 190lbs (i'm pretty ripped minus the skin at 180) 22 years old
    training (if it makes any difference):
    3x per week compound movements (squats, deads, chins, dips, bench, cleans)
    hockey 2x per week
    jiu jitsu 2-4x per week

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    hgh is'nt gonna solve the loose skin. hgh does improve the skin but when its been stretched out because someone was very heavy and then went on a diet and the skin lost its elastisaty then there is nothing but surgey that could help. its a common thing with women who gave birth.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    hgh is'nt gonna solve the loose skin. hgh does improve the skin but when its been stretched out because someone was very heavy and then went on a diet and the skin lost its elastisaty then there is nothing but surgey that could help. its a common thing with women who gave birth.

    I agree, if it's that much of a problem get the surgery


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