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Thread: HGH and sweating??

  1. #1

    Arrow HGH and sweating??

    I am currently taking 700mg Eq/wk, 600mg decca/wk, and 6iu/day hgh. does anyone taking these or anything else have problems with more sweating?? I mean soaking through a undershirt. Seems like i am sweating alot more. Any ideas??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Where is the TEST? I feel sorry for your boys.

    i would say the sweeting is more from the juice then GH.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Pioneer, I only take GH but I can tell you that when I started I would sweat a lot at night. I mean wake up and the sheets are soaked kind of sweating. That lasted for several weeks but did stop. I don't know how long you have been taking the GH but if you just started, give it a couple of weeks and it should stop. If you have been on the GH for awhile it might be the juice.

  4. #4


    I took deca 300 and test cyp and I am on hgh. I used to sweat like crazy. I was taking 6 iu og hgh. Once I dropped to 4 iu sweating slowed and eventually became normal. I noticed your running deca and eq?why both those compounds and no test?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    test should be run with growth,growth is best run with test!

  6. #6
    i am not running test because i dont want to tear my hamstring again and i dont want the test sides. i am playing college football. i wish i could take test but am afraid i would tear my hamstring again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by pioneer
    i am not running test because i dont want to tear my hamstring again and i dont want the test sides. i am playing college football. i wish i could take test but am afraid i would tear my hamstring again.

    I can understand not wanting the test sides but what about the sides that you are getting by not running the test? How are they now?

    I would think you would want the strength gain from test considering the sport you play. What does running test have to do with tearing a hamstring? I'm confused here

  8. #8
    test gives me too much strenghth and power sometimes and my quads overpower my hamstrings and i either pull them or tear them.

    does anyone on anabolics and hgh feel a high increase in body temp?? I get soo hott if its not cool and I even start turning red! Does anyone else experience this?? Also i cant go to a club if they have the heater on in the winter ill start sweating like a pig. I have to wear underarmour or nike dri-fit, and wear black clothes to hide the embarrassment.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    [email protected]
    you should get your blood pressure checked

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Could be the EQ, which is known to increase your metabolism and thus your body temp, but gh does cause sweating.
    Normal side of gh.I´ve had it, too, but it subsided quickly.(maybe has something to do with T4 to T3 turn-over?)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    My 2c....I think it's the EQ and raised metabolism.....the HGH doen't make me sweat like you talk about. I run testE with the EQ and some TrenE toward the end of some longer cycles, so when I added HGH, the sweating did not increase.

    I think your body adjusts after several weeks as I don't wake up with wet hair and pillow any longer.

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