I am currently taking 700mg Eq/wk, 600mg decca/wk, and 6iu/day hgh. does anyone taking these or anything else have problems with more sweating?? I mean soaking through a undershirt. Seems like i am sweating alot more. Any ideas??
I am currently taking 700mg Eq/wk, 600mg decca/wk, and 6iu/day hgh. does anyone taking these or anything else have problems with more sweating?? I mean soaking through a undershirt. Seems like i am sweating alot more. Any ideas??
Where is the TEST? I feel sorry for your boys.
i would say the sweeting is more from the juice then GH.
Pioneer, I only take GH but I can tell you that when I started I would sweat a lot at night. I mean wake up and the sheets are soaked kind of sweating. That lasted for several weeks but did stop. I don't know how long you have been taking the GH but if you just started, give it a couple of weeks and it should stop. If you have been on the GH for awhile it might be the juice.
I took deca 300 and test cyp and I am on hgh. I used to sweat like crazy. I was taking 6 iu og hgh. Once I dropped to 4 iu sweating slowed and eventually became normal. I noticed your running deca and eq?why both those compounds and no test?
test should be run with growth,growth is best run with test!
i am not running test because i dont want to tear my hamstring again and i dont want the test sides. i am playing college football. i wish i could take test but am afraid i would tear my hamstring again.
Originally Posted by pioneer
I can understand not wanting the test sides but what about the sides that you are getting by not running the test? How are they now?
I would think you would want the strength gain from test considering the sport you play. What does running test have to do with tearing a hamstring? I'm confused here![]()
test gives me too much strenghth and power sometimes and my quads overpower my hamstrings and i either pull them or tear them.
does anyone on anabolics and hgh feel a high increase in body temp?? I get soo hott if its not cool and I even start turning red! Does anyone else experience this?? Also i cant go to a club if they have the heater on in the winter ill start sweating like a pig. I have to wear underarmour or nike dri-fit, and wear black clothes to hide the embarrassment.
you should get your blood pressure checked
Could be the EQ, which is known to increase your metabolism and thus your body temp, but gh does cause sweating.
Normal side of gh.I´ve had it, too, but it subsided quickly.(maybe has something to do with T4 to T3 turn-over?)
My 2c....I think it's the EQ and raised metabolism.....the HGH doen't make me sweat like you talk about. I run testE with the EQ and some TrenE toward the end of some longer cycles, so when I added HGH, the sweating did not increase.
I think your body adjusts after several weeks as I don't wake up with wet hair and pillow any longer.
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