I understand that the it is not recommended to use IGF-1 for more than 4-5 weeks.
What is the recommended time off between cycles?
I understand that the it is not recommended to use IGF-1 for more than 4-5 weeks.
What is the recommended time off between cycles?
I am not entirly sure about this, but I would say it's the same as LR3? Time ON = time OFF. So maybe 4 ON/OFF, very much like insulin perhaps? Someone correct me if I am wrong.
From everything I've read, you're spot on gear.
And I think by saying igf-1 he was probably actually referring to lr3.
I've run both a 4 week and 5 week cycle and I didn't think it became less effective with either of them, I simply ran out of lr3 so I stopped. However, a lot of guys report decreased results around the 5-6 week mark, some even as early as 3 weeks. But generally 4 Weeks ED seems to be a good cycle. I'll prob run all mine like that from now on rather than stretching it out to 5 weeks at a lower dosage.
Gear and SS--
Thanks for the input. I did mean LR3.
I was planning a modest cycle (40 mcg ed), but I know me... if it works well, I will more and will want more fast! (Sound familar?) So I was trying to figure out how much to order. Looks like one vial will do for a test run of twenty five days to see what IGF-1 LR3 will do for my body.
Thanks for the feed back.
Originally Posted by znak
I dont know how long it will take to get to Russia or even if you are getting it locally. There is no harm on buying a few and saving them. I get a better deal the more I buy so I"ll usually pick up a decent amount. Sits fine in the fridge.
I"m with Gear and SS, I've always done 4on/4off but I run slin in between too. So the timing is always accurate.
I've run uit for 5 weeks before
I fricking love this board.
Thanks to all for their input.
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