Thread: Cycle Update/Progress
12-15-2005, 01:27 PM #1
IGF, Tren, Test C, GH Cycle Log
I always like hearing about how other peoples cycles are progressing, so I thought I would contribute a bit about whats going on with mine. I certainly do need to Thank Jayhova, Pinnacle, and JohnnyB for their assistance with my barrage of questions prior to throwing IGF into the cycle.
For reference, my cycle looks as follows:
Week (1) - 1.4mgs of Test Cyp (doubled the dosage to frontload)
Week (2-9) - 700mgs Test Cyp, 75mgs of Tren A, 2ius of GH 5/2
Week (10-11) - 700mgs Test Cyp, 75mgs Tren A, 60mgs Var ED, 2ius of GH 5/2
Week (12-14) - 700mgs Test Cyp, 60mgs Var ED, 2ius of GH 5/2
Week (15 to PCT) - 60mgs Var, 2ius of GH, HCG
PCT - Chlomid and Nolva and 2ius GH
Running Letro and Cabergoline to deal with Progesteren/Estrogen and bloat from the Cyp.
Well, this is my 4th day running Lr3 IGF (started it at the beginning of week 4 of they cycle) and I have been extremely impressed. I am running it at 60mcgs right now, but have enough gear to bump it up to 100mgs if needed. I will be running it for 30 days, then again during PCT.
Yesterday I hit chest and this morning I still have that pump that I got while lifting last night. I get awesome pumps from Tren, but the pumps last night were seriously intense. Very very powerful. Never really took a substance that kicked in so quick. I have also noticed yesterday and today that my appetite is increasing, which is a good thing for me.....I get tired of eating and need boosts at times.
Last night I also had my first night sweat and today the sweating has increased dramatically. I am not sure if this is from the IGF or from the Tren A that I am running. I know a lot of people complain about the sweating, but I kind of like it. Actually it kind of reassures me that the gear is good and my body is changing. My housekeeper thinks it is the most disgusting thing on the planet, when she does my laundry. Last cycle, she thought something was wrong with me physically because of the stench from my workout clothes.I am in week 3 of the Tren and really feel it starting to kick-in.
Overall, I do not watch the scales very closely, prefer to monitor by the mirror. I do monitor bodyfat very closely and get dunked once a month to get accurate bodyfat measurement. I started at 10.8% bodyfat and would like to end up around 8%. Last cycle included Tren and I ate like a horse on cycle and still leaned out while adding some really nice LBM. I hope the addition of IGF will assist me in my goals of lean bulking. I eat very very clean and cheat very little. I am a bit older at 38 and really really hate hard-core cutting. I prefer to remain lean even if it costs me some gains during cycle so I really try to Lean Bulk.
To date I have gained about 9 lbs, of which I am attributing mostly to water. Strength has picked up dramatically this week and last week. Focus in the gym has been very very good. I have been able to channel the Tren aggression to the weight training.
Physically, I can see some very slight changes in my appearances. Noticed primarily this morning for the first time. I love Tren and how it causes such dramatic changes in least for me.
I think that is about it.Last edited by tempbrit; 12-21-2005 at 10:58 AM.
12-15-2005, 01:38 PM #2
The IGF/Tren combo will bring on dramatic changes to your physique.
You're on day 4 of the IGF correct?You'll see changes taking place rather quickly from here on out.I'm on day 4 of IGF myself,and I can see my arms and legs leaning out already.They usually lean out before my torso starts dropping BF.
Good luck and keep us posted!!
12-15-2005, 01:42 PM #3
Temp that's a great post and you seem to be doing awesome!!
This cycle looks great too. As long as you keep eating that way you should really gain some nice LBM here.
IGF has never produced any sides for me. Plus when running Tren I sweat up a storm. So don't be too concerned about the sweat, I'm sure you're used to it.
I like your concept of not watching the scale either. The most common questions I get are "How much do you weight" and "How much can you bench?" I can't stand those questions!!!! You're getting the most accurate type of BF measurement too, so you're on your way.......
Best of luck buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-15-2005, 01:47 PM #4
nice to hear it goes so well,keep up the good work.
12-15-2005, 01:50 PM #5Originally Posted by rodge nl.
I mistakenly left your name off the list.
I just wanted those of you who offer so much knowledge here to know that it is appreciated.
12-15-2005, 01:53 PM #6Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Thanks Pinn.
Funny you say that, but this morning I could have sworn that my arms and legs were a bit leaner in the mirror....but I was thinking.....naaahhhh, that's impossible.
12-15-2005, 01:58 PM #7Originally Posted by Jayhova16
I figure if I am sweating like a pig, something good is happening. I am not sure how true it is, but in my head I am thinking to myself that the sweat is simply fat being burned.
I do not like using caliper really to check bodyfat because I have compared them to getting dunked and the difference is pretty significant. Especially when you get below 10%. I am lucky I guess and have access to this option, I would be frustrated if the calipers said that I was 11% bodyfat and in reality I was something like 9%.
12-15-2005, 02:02 PM #8Originally Posted by tempbrit
You'll see..after your arms get shredded then your delts will be next.This doesn't just only happen with me,but several other guys at the gym, right around our age, experience the same exact thing.Quite the opposite for the younger guys at the gym who are using IGf.They seem to lean out evenly all over thier body.I guess it's an age thing....
12-16-2005, 11:10 AM #9
Ok, this stuff is real. Really good that is.
Received a couple of comments from people at the gym about my arms. Took me back a bit as I was not expecting this.
Then this morning I was climbing out of my shower and the girl who spent the night pointed out that my butt was looking extremely lean and tight! Ok, maybe she wanted to spend the night again, but I think there was some genuineness behind her comment.
Hit delts at the gym this morning and the pumps were amazing, we are talking off the charts. Really really intense workout and I simply could not believe the amount of sweat I was generating from working Delts/Traps and Abs.
Last night I did Legs and I know that I am going to be walking funny tomorrow. After the workout, I literally was able to wring out my shirt. I should also point out that I am not a big time sweater by any means.
One other thing that I have noticed last night and this morning is that I feel different. I can't really say exactly what I am feeling, but I do have the kind of weird sense that my body is going through some massive changes. It feels really good, but not really sure how to describe.
Well, 5 bi shots with the IGF and I am not sure I am going to continue with the bi-shots. I have hit a nerve two times and for some reason, I just can't get comfortable with these injections.
Have not looked at the scale this week, however, visually, my body is definately leaner and I am fairly certain I have not lost any muscle. I wish that I would have gotten my bodyfat checked in the tank prior to running this stuff to see what changes it had on the bodyfat. Really loving the intensity of the workouts....afterwards, I am dying to get some calories in me!
12-16-2005, 01:09 PM #10Originally Posted by tempbrit
Go eat and keep up the great work!!! I love to hear people getting great results!!!! You deserve it, keep on hittin it Temp.........
12-16-2005, 03:57 PM #11
I am eating and eating and eating! This LR3 is helping the appetite for sure.
I also was going to point out that I have been getting some amazing nights of sleep. I know that GH supposedly can help with sleep to some degree, but I am also running Tren . While I did not experience any major insomnia when running Tren before, I did not think I would be having these deep intense sleeps. It is really nice.
12-16-2005, 06:51 PM #12
I really enjoy reading peoples progress. I should start posting mine. I wish more people would do this! Especially when i am going to be trying something new. Its always cool to see how it effected some one else first. (test dummy) haha
12-20-2005, 12:08 PM #13
Ok, Day 9 on IGF LR3 and into week 4 of Tren A (75mgs ED) and week 5 of Test Cyp 700mgs p/w.
Well this weekend was a bit rough, caught some of the crud and have been running around hacking and coughing and feeling kind of down. Nothing too bad though, I bumped up the carbs a bit and made sure I got some extra rest. Feeling a bit better today.
Well, I am leaning out big time. Actually in sort of a weird way to some degree. Normally, my arms, legs and delts are typically the first things that lean out, then the chest, back and finally abdomen. However, with the LR3 IGF it has followed this same path but to an extreme. I mean right now my arms and delts are simply about as lean as I have ever had them, yet my midsection appears to have shed no fat at all whatsoever. It is kind of weird to look at in the mirror.
This morning I did notice that my chest appears to be a bit leaner. Really anxious for the leaning out process to hit my torso.
My workouts continue to be very very intense and the pumps are very intense. To a degree painfull, in a good way.
I continue to sleep very well at night, deep intense sleeps which I really think helped me kick the cold so quickly.
Diet has been very very clean with the exception of Saturday. Had a public event to host and needed to be at the top of my game. Took in a few carbs to make sure my energy level was high and I was in a good mood.
I did bump the dosage up to 80mcgs yesterday. I had no sides at 60 and figured I might as well see if 80 is that much better, since I had the gear anyways.
I kind of have my hopes set on dropping about 1 to 1.5 percentage points of bodyfat during the IGF portion of the cycle. If so, then I am going to bump up the calories a bit during the remainder of the cycle. Again, I hate cutting and take lean bulking to an extreme. I know it costs me gains, but then again, I am not sure anyone would ever see my gains if I got fat and never cut.
My impressions of IGF thus far, is that it is pretty powerful in the bodfat reduction category. I can't say that I am gaining massive amounts purely from the IGF. I am gaining, but the Tren and the Test could be playing a major role in that process.
IGF truly is a physique transforming drug. I think Pinn mentioned this before. However, I guess anything that is going to allow you to remove bodyfat and gain muscle at the same time is going to have a dramatic impact on your physique. The combo with Tren is very powerful as well.
I do feel on the edge of going hypo on non-lifting days and my carbs are lower. Lethargy and on the edge of going hypo is how I feel on those days.
Lastly, I am sweating like a beast right now. Day and night and much worse than my last Tren cycle. I am not sure I can attribute it to the IGF.
12-21-2005, 10:57 AM #14
Well, i am not sure anyone is reading this or cares for that matter, but I think it is helping me, so I will continue.
Vascularity is really unbelieveable. I mean I have only been using this substance for 10 days and my arms have veins that have never been present before. Striations in the Delts are clearly visible when at rest. It is really amazing, especially considering the fact that I am running Test Cyp and I do tend to hold a bit of water, even using Letro.
Not to gross people out, but the bathroom is getting a considerable amount of additional use and I aint just pissin. I would say output is nearly double prior to the IGF.
Sweating is nearly out of control. I was at the Heat game last night and the girl behind me asked me if I was alright due to the fact that I was sweating through my shirt. I am taking 3 to 4 showers a day.
Still waiting for the bodyfat reductions to the midsection.
Strength gains have been very impressive. Again, I am attributing most of this to the Tren , but I am up a substantial amount in nearly every excercise. It is kind of fun to load up the bar and push that much weight around.
Definately thinking that the bump to 80 mcgs was the right thing to do. Virtually no sides even at this dose. You do have to take in more carbs though.
I keep mentioning the sleeps I am getting. They are deep intense sleeps. I am loving it. I have had a couple of night sweats, but they really don't bother me I am sleeping so soundly. I think this has to be the GH.
Hope everyone has a nice Holiday Season.
12-21-2005, 11:08 AM #15Originally Posted by tempbrit
There are more that care then you think. Keep up the gains and keep posting resutls. Good job Temp...
12-21-2005, 02:36 PM #16
yes keep us posted mate,i like to read other peoples expieriences!!
12-21-2005, 02:47 PM #17
We're reading bro.
Keep the log going.
12-21-2005, 03:00 PM #18
Sounds like yo are doing very well. I am happy that you are getting nice results. You chose the right poeple to help you with this cycle. I know Jayhova personally and he is a great guy and very knowledgeable. As well as Pinn, Rodge, Johnny ect. Good luck Bro, Keep writing.
01-05-2006, 03:23 PM #19
Well sorry for not posting any updates for awhile. Had some pretty intense things going on at work and the Holidays and all.
Well my LR3 IGF run came to an early stop. Not by choice however. I was drawing the second 80mcgs out of the final vial and the maid came around the corner and scared the daylights out of me and I dropped the vial and it shattered on the floor.
I did get in just over 3 weeks of running it at 60 mcgs for the first week and 80 for the remainder of the time.
While I did see some fairly solid results, I would not call the results earth shattering. I think Pinn and Jay have both kind of hit the nail on the head and refer to IGF as a great cutting drug.
I clearly leaned down, to the extent that others are commenting on a regular basis how vascular and how lean I am looking. As Pinn mentioned, it was kind of weird how I leaned down on this stuff. Arms and Legs were first, then delts, then pecs and finally back and midsection.
My bodyfat 1 week prior to starting IGF was 10.6% and yesterday my bodyfat was 8.3%. Please note that I get my bodyfat checked using the water in the tank method, so the numbers are right on.
I did lose nearly 1.5 inches from my waist as well. All this was achieved while sticking to a fairly strict lean bulking diet that is about 30% above maintenance caloric level.
The best part of about the whole leaning out part is that I also gained 3.8 lbs during this period as well. If you do the math the results don't seem realistic. I do realize that some of the weight is water due to the Test Cyp I am running, but overall, I am still confident that I have had solid LBM gains while shedding bodyfat.
The most amazing result is clearly how my physique has changed visually. When you lose a couple points of bodyfat and gain some LBM the physical changes are quite dramatic.
I did discover that I am fairly hypo sensitive and need to watch the carbs carefully when running IGF.
One other thing is that since I have come off, I have had two intensive days of sweating. I am not talking the normal sweating that people experience when running gear. I am talking sitting under an airconditioning vent on a couch drinking water and sweating to the point where your hair is completely saturated. It is kind of weird and the first day, i think I let myself get a bit dehydrated. There does seem to be a fairly strong correlation to my waistline in that my pants and belts seem to need additional adjustment. Maybe it is the Tren hitting me hard, but I have never experienced sweating spells like this when running Tren.
I am going to run LR3 IGF at 100mcgs during PCT. I also think that I am going to increase the calories a bit as I seem to be leaning out much quicker than I anticipated.
I do feel as though I am very anabolic right now and really making good gains. However, I think Tren really steps up in terms of anabolic around week 5 or 6.
Hope someone learns something.
Happy New Year to Everyone!
01-06-2006, 02:38 AM #20
Are you running the Tren now Temp? When I'm on tren I constantly sweat like a pig.
You had some really great results off this cycle. To have dropped over 2% and gain almost 4lbs. is a huge turn around. Some people will stay the same weight and drop 2% BF and not be happy b/c they dont feel they're losing weight. You dropped BF and gained LBM, what's better then that!!! You're probably around the same weight with those stats right Temp?
01-06-2006, 02:19 PM #21
I am running the Tren now. The Tren stench is also kicking in so that is what I am attributing to the sweating.
Well, call me a liar, but my results actually were a raw increase in bodyweight of 4 lbs and a drop in bodyfat of 2%. I don't really know how to interpret the results, the raw numbers are pretty hard to believe. I could have been a bit off on the scale weight when I began, I was not using the scale weight taken when I got my bodyfat last checked, so my numbers could be off a bit.
However, in the mirror, I clearly look leaner, my waist is significantly smaller, others have commented on how lean and cut I am looking. So I guess, I am not focusing too much on the scale, just on how I look. That is the ultimate goal for me that is.
I should also say that I do feel that a significant portion of my bodyfat reduction is sex. Over the last 4 weeks or so, I have been hanging around with a girl who is as much of sex fiend as me, we have some very very intense sessions two to three times a day. One time after we finished, she commented on how my toes were actually sweating.
I am going to start injecting Melontan II tomorrow. Kind of curious as to how that will enhance the overall look. I am by no means an albino, but I could use a tan.
01-06-2006, 08:14 PM #22Originally Posted by tempbrit
I've never heard of Tren stench. Has anyone else? Actually sweat itself doesn't smell. When we sweat bacteria collects on sweat causing an odor. As long as we shower enough there should be no problems. I always shower at night and when on Tren I'm forced to shower when I wake up as well. Waking up in a pool of sweat won't lead to an odorless day without a good 'ol shower.............
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