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Thread: Eating on LR3

  1. #1
    D.Rod 004's Avatar
    D.Rod 004 is offline Junior Member
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    Eating on LR3

    Is there anything specail that you should eat while on it. I mean, i know how to hold a basic diet! But after you work out and you take the shot, should you start eating real big. I have heard that some people become lathargic or what not. What kind of a diet do you guys run when using LR3 for post cycle therapy . I am running 50mcg four times a week after each work out for five weeks.

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I do a cab/protein shake p/w with shot, then a protein shake 1 hours later, then a meal with carbs and protein and hour after that, then pick up your regular scheduled meals, make sure you keep the protein high


  3. #3
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Glutes & Quads
    Johnny hit all the major points and I really have to stress keeping protein very high. When I"m on LR3 I add an additional 40g of Isolate to compliment all my major meals. That will bump me up another 160-200g for the day pretty much doubling my weight.. I've never felt lethargic but I keep my carbs at around 400g a day.

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