okay i lost my job and have nothing do do for now . ive only used slin post workout but want to experiment with trying 15 ius x 3 times a day using humalog sub q as my gains have platue d . plus i bumped my test e to 1.7 g , 600 eq , 140mg m1t , 2mls tribolan a week. will be swithing to tren deca stan and suspention soon. im advanced and stay on year round and i compete .im trying to bulk up but i dont think ill be able to get the cals up and gain any mass on slin without fat gain .?
say what would achieve better results in mass and minimal fat gain , slin only for post work with cals 500 over maintainance ed. ?
no cardio , 1 hr resistance training 7 days week , ONLY ONE BODY PART TRAINED PER WEEK , the rest of the time is tv , rest , sleep ,eat
8am -15ius slin - 50 g dex -85 g protein whey
9.45 am 60 g carbs - 50 g protein
12pm 15 ius slin - 50 g dex -85 g protein whey
1.45pm 60 g carbs , 50 g protein
4pm pre workout meal 50 g protein , 8 weet bix
4.30pm hit the gym
5.30 pm 50 g dex , 85 g protein whey
7.00pm 60 g carbs , 50 g protein
9.30 pm all i can eat carb meal with 50 g protein
12pm 50 g protein some nutty butter
3-4 am 50 g protein nutty butter 9 ( i always wake up after 3 to 4 hrs )
okay do you think i need a 3 rd protein meal in each slin dose ?
i dont understand some things about slin , how is slin beneficial when keeping carbs really low and using high doses of slin apart from fat gain. does it help burn body fat ?
what does insulin do when you dont ingest carbs apart from the obvious side effect . does it just start burning bodyfat or what ?
does more insulin mean the better ? does it allow more carbs to be absorbed without fat gain ?