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Thread: HGH injection spots

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Houston, TX

    Question HGH injection spots

    I have been on HGH @ 2iu's/ED for the past 7 months and injecting around my bell button area. Earlier today my friend told me I should start shooting in my bi's, tri's, pec's and etc. is this okay or what do you guys suggest?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I don't think that is necessary. You can shoot anywhere that you have enough bodyfat. I shoot in both sides of my belly and right about my knee. That gives me four injection sites which I think is all you need if you rotate them daily.

    I am not one of the people that believes that GH promotes site injection fat loss. There are some that believe that and maybe that is why your friend suggests shooting in all of those areas.

    Hopefully someone will chime in if this info isn't correct or if they have some research to back up using multiple injection sites.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Stankeric
    I have been on HGH @ 2iu's/ED for the past 7 months and injecting around my bell button area. Earlier today my friend told me I should start shooting in my bi's, tri's, pec's and etc. is this okay or what do you guys suggest?

    You've been injecting Sub-Q correct? Your friend is recommending what seems to be IM. At 2iu's ED I'm assuming your major goal is fatloss and some LBM. Not to mention that sides that come along with GH like Better sleep, tighter skin etc...

    I'd keep going with your already Sub-Q injections. By injecting Sub-Q you can just let the GH filter into your body at a slower rate. No need for IM.

    Taking advice from a friend isnt always the way to go. By posting this question you can get feedback from people that have tried everything. I have to say that I have never experienced any fat loss at injection sites using GH. Neither have any of my good friends that use it regularly.........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    You've been injecting Sub-Q correct? Your friend is recommending what seems to be IM. At 2iu's ED I'm assuming your major goal is fatloss and some LBM. Not to mention that sides that come along with GH like Better sleep, tighter skin etc...

    I'd keep going with your already Sub-Q injections. By injecting Sub-Q you can just let the GH filter into your body at a slower rate. No need for IM.

    Taking advice from a friend isnt always the way to go. By posting this question you can get feedback from people that have tried everything. I have to say that I have never experienced any fat loss at injection sites using GH. Neither have any of my good friends that use it regularly.........

    Yes that is correct. Now I am going to bump my does to 4ius/ED. 2iu's in the AM and 2iu's in the PM thinking about injecting PM shot in Bi's, Tri's, and Pec's.....or would this not be worth it? Thanks guys for all the help and quick responses!

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