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Thread: HGH question

  1. #1
    jaym_100 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2005

    HGH question

    One of my friends doesn't really know what the hell he is doing. He is about to get on human growth hormones. He is doing it because he said it wouldn't show up on an NCAA drug test is that true? Also he said something about it being in an illuminum container and the longer it stays out the worse it hurts. Whats that all about? The guy he is getting it from is really sketchy and is giving it to him for free. Just wondering if he is about to mess up. This is not for me, i'm not just putting that it is for a friend.

  2. #2
    Teabagger's Avatar
    Teabagger is offline Senior Member
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    Your buddy is not the sharpest tool in the shed is he? How old is he, I am assuming late teens, if he is worried about ncaa testing. Whatever he is gonna get for free is not gh...guaranteed. gh is in a powder form, must be refrigerated, and is stored in glass vials, waiting reconstitution with sterile water of bacteriostatic water. I know of no injectibles that come in metal containers...I could be wrong...but I don't believe so.

    What you or your buddy should do is take the stuff, don't pay the dude, rough him up some, then destroy the stuff or have it analyzed on campus...that might prove to your buddy to be more careful...

    He is also too young for anything other than food...

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Teabagger's Avatar
    Teabagger is offline Senior Member
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    Your buddy is not the sharpest tool in the shed is he? How old is he, I am assuming late teens, if he is worried about ncaa testing. Whatever he is gonna get for free is not gh...guaranteed. gh is in a powder form, must be refrigerated, and is stored in glass vials, waiting reconstitution with sterile water of bacteriostatic water. I know of no injectibles that come in metal containers...I could be wrong...but I don't believe so.

    What you or your buddy should do is take the stuff, don't pay the dude, rough him up some, then destroy the stuff or have it analyzed on campus...that might prove to your buddy to be more careful...

    He is also too young for anything other than food...

    Good luck
    Last edited by rodge; 01-25-2006 at 12:49 AM.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    jaym 100, GH is very expensive and I can't understand why someone would supply it for somebody else of no cost. Perhaps it's not GH, and despite the fact that it comes in a non-glass vial. It just sounds not right to me. As for GH hurting, GH generally shouldn't hurt. It may leave welts around the spots injected, but it shouldn't hurt. GH is nothing to play around with, he should really look into it and do a bit more research before going ahead with it.


  5. #5
    jaym_100 is offline Junior Member
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    I wouldn't take it myselft, but he is stupid. He is 22. He listens to all these idiots telling him that they went up 50 pounds on bench in there first week and won't join this to see what the deal is with this stuff.

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