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Thread: when people talk about "generic" hgh, what brand is it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Cool when people talk about "generic" hgh, what brand is it?

    when people talk about the awesome "generic" hgh.....what brand is it?

    is it kefei?

    I am confused

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    From what I understand it has no brand name that's why they call it generic


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Locked in Marcus's cellar
    it's all the same top, red top, brown top, yellow top, no tops, all genetic china gh that works very very very very very well. it is as good as jintropin and in my opinion even better. i'm on gh all year long and unlike igf which is complete garbage, hgh does deliver. the reason you are charged more for jin is simply the presentation but this is coming to an end soon since the generics also get labels and it will all look the same. right now generics = $220 or less and jin = about $300 plus or minus...soon it will all be $220 per 100 iu no matter what company makes them.

    im right now on blue tops and my hands are simply numb its like elecrticity going between your fingers and in your wrists...when you make a fist you can feel the hand vibrates thats how strong it is. you can see and feel the fat drop and the change in body composition. unlike igf this is NOT only water!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    nvr have i tried generic gh but heard good things about it. YOu can get Jin for $2.20 and under a i.u and i've seend generic gh as low as $1.50 an i.u
    there are some sources selling a %85 purity grade and others selling a %95 grade, so just make sure you ask beofe hand

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1
    igf which is complete garbage, !
    May be true for you bro,but not for me and alot of other bros here.dont be so fast to label something cause it didnt work for you,there may be many reasons why it didnt do what you had anticipated.
    1. you probably exspected too much
    2. you may not have had real LR3
    3. your diet
    4. your training
    5. other compounds you did or didnt run with it
    6. not enough calories

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1
    it's all the same top, red top, brown top, yellow top, no tops, all genetic china gh that works very very very very very well. it is as good as jintropin and in my opinion even better. i'm on gh all year long and unlike igf which is complete garbage, hgh does deliver. the reason you are charged more for jin is simply the presentation but this is coming to an end soon since the generics also get labels and it will all look the same. right now generics = $220 or less and jin = about $300 plus or minus...soon it will all be $220 per 100 iu no matter what company makes them.

    im right now on blue tops and my hands are simply numb its like elecrticity going between your fingers and in your wrists...when you make a fist you can feel the hand vibrates thats how strong it is. you can see and feel the fat drop and the change in body composition. unlike igf this is NOT only water!

    Nice post.....we will see prices come down in the next couple of years with IGF and HGH.HGH does deliver with great results.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    May be true for you bro,but not for me and alot of other bros here.dont be so fast to label something cause it didnt work for you,there may be many reasons why it didnt do what you had anticipated.
    1. you probably exspected too much
    2. you may not have had real LR3
    3. your diet
    4. your training
    5. other compounds you did or didnt run with it
    6. not enough calories
    nice said.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Locked in Marcus's cellar
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    May be true for you bro,but not for me and alot of other bros here.dont be so fast to label something cause it didnt work for you,there may be many reasons why it didnt do what you had anticipated.
    1. you probably exspected too much
    2. you may not have had real LR3
    3. your diet
    4. your training
    5. other compounds you did or didnt run with it
    6. not enough calories
    huh? this is a joke right? i been a professional bodybuilder for quite some time now to know my shit when it comes to hormones. training cant be matched, diet is always on top 24/7 i always run "components and combos" (i never go off) and calories has nothing to do with it because i know what i expect from hgh and igf is body composition change not weight gain, so it will fit both in high calorie diet and medium calorie diet and low calorie diet.

    igf is GARBAGE! from igtropin to generics to gropep i have used it enough now to know ba will do same thing to your muscles. it give you a pump that ba injected alone will give you. igf looks like palumbos body (big and promising yet cant deliver) it is only water weight and you all know it. the reason you gain those 3-4 pounds is water and the reason you think you lost 2-3% body fat is the pump you get out of those water.

    * i never get fake hormones i been in the game very long. all brand name gear and the gh wether it's brand name or not seem to do the trick while the igf is simply waste of space. nothing that you buy from china for $15/1mg is worth anything. go buy holy water from the holy land.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1
    huh? this is a joke right? i been a professional bodybuilder for quite some time now to know my shit when it comes to hormones. training cant be matched, diet is always on top 24/7 i always run "components and combos" (i never go off) and calories has nothing to do with it because i know what i expect from hgh and igf is body composition change not weight gain, so it will fit both in high calorie diet and medium calorie diet and low calorie diet.

    igf is GARBAGE! from igtropin to generics to gropep i have used it enough now to know ba will do same thing to your muscles. it give you a pump that ba injected alone will give you. igf looks like palumbos body (big and promising yet cant deliver) it is only water weight and you all know it. the reason you gain those 3-4 pounds is water and the reason you think you lost 2-3% body fat is the pump you get out of those water.

    * i never get fake hormones i been in the game very long. all brand name gear and the gh wether it's brand name or not seem to do the trick while the igf is simply waste of space. nothing that you buy from china for $15/1mg is worth anything. go buy holy water from the holy land.

    i agree.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1
    huh? this is a joke right? i been a professional bodybuilder for quite some time now to know my shit when it comes to hormones. training cant be matched, diet is always on top 24/7 i always run "components and combos" (i never go off) and calories has nothing to do with it because i know what i expect from hgh and igf is body composition change not weight gain, so it will fit both in high calorie diet and medium calorie diet and low calorie diet.

    igf is GARBAGE! from igtropin to generics to gropep i have used it enough now to know ba will do same thing to your muscles. it give you a pump that ba injected alone will give you. igf looks like palumbos body (big and promising yet cant deliver) it is only water weight and you all know it. the reason you gain those 3-4 pounds is water and the reason you think you lost 2-3% body fat is the pump you get out of those water.

    * i never get fake hormones i been in the game very long. all brand name gear and the gh wether it's brand name or not seem to do the trick while the igf is simply waste of space. nothing that you buy from china for $15/1mg is worth anything. go buy holy water from the holy land.

    Just had a guy who trains in the same place as I,he just finished a cycle of igtropin and said it was real crap stuff,he said it was the worst 750$ he has spent on anabolics,even the great johnnyb knows this stuff is a poor product,he has said this many times,and many others.

    Last edited by goose; 02-04-2006 at 06:20 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Could it be, that the peptide is very adhesive to the glass vial?

    I´ve heard about this problem several years before and if you simply use water, the hydrophobic part of the peptide just sticks to the vial and you´re injecting only the dissoluted filler.
    When usign Mrs in BA it produced quite predictable results.

    The IGtropin didn´t.Some vials were OK some just didn´t do anything.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Where's all the anger coming from, but when you say IGF-1 you are talking about LR3 IGF-1 (to be call LR3 from now on) right. I find what you say about BA interesting, since most people don't inject into the muscle worked, that's old school for rh IGF-1. It doesn't work with LR3, because of the added 13 amino acids, this cause IGF-1 BP (binding protein) to bind poorly to LR3. The reason for spot injections with rhIGF-1 is because, what we call the pump is fluid going to the damaged muscles to start the he****g process. In that fluid is IGF-1 BP, it binds the IGF-1 to the damaged muscles for the repair to began. rhIGF-1 having a short half-life and binding easily to IGF-1 BP, needed to be injected in the worked muscle to get the maximum benefit. With LR3 the need to spot inject is none existent and of no effect, since LR3 binds poorly to IGF-1 BP. So most of us not inject in the muscle worked because the LR3 won't stay at the injection site, because of LR3's poor ability to bind to IGF-BP. What you get with LR3 is about a 6 hour half-life, so you get small amount of LR3 binding to the damaged muscle(s) during it's active-life, plus you get the added insulin like effect of shuttling glucose to the damaged muscle(s).

    I said all this because you said that BA injected into a muscle will cause a pumped feeling, I've never experienced that. Because all my LR3 runs were injections into my quads, no matter what muscles were worked, but yet I got an extra pumped feeling the next WO, all my injection were PWO. Most people on this site and other don't do site injections with LR3, so you assumption that they are experiencing a pumped feeling from BA injected into the muscle, doesn't hold much water. One last thing, LR3 suppliers switched to AA or HCI over a year ago, so if you got some LR3 that was suspended in BA, it was from an old batch or a supplier that has kept up with the new knowledge we have about LR3 and it's suspending to keep it's stability during suspension. So what you had if suspended in BA as you mentioned and it was a year or more old, could of been degraded.


  13. #13
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    Apr 2002
    He guys some of you may have thought this was an attack on mighy1, but it wasn't. What I did here was point out that his knowledge on LR3 is antiquated. I've noticed with all these guys that have such strong feelings about LR3 being bunk, a lot (if not all) of their information is old and outdated. Lots of times they try and apply rhIGF-1 information the LR3, which just doesn't work.

    When he started talking about BA, I know he either was getting his stuff from someone that didn't know what they were doing or was simply passing on info he had heard. Then the spot injection thing let me know that he was misinformed on the proper use of LR3.

    Mighty1, Bro I wasn't trying to put you down by any means, you strong statements needed to be corrected though. There are lot of people out there selling and passing on information about LR3 then just is up to speed with the new knowledge we have about it.

    When we first had access to it, the word was you needed a lab setting to suspend it, then we used BA, which worked, but as time went on it would degrade the LR3. So we learned how to make acidic acid at the proper PH balance and we started using that and research guys started getting HCI too. So we've come a long way form 3 years ago, but we can learn more about the subject.

    When they start doing human studies with LR3, we will learn volumes more then we know now. There's one study that shows LR3 not disturbing the HGH pulse, it was do on an animal so we don't know if it really applies to us, but if it can, that would be a great advantage for us.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Dirty South
    i was on 4iu jino and had to cut back to 3iu a day of the generic brown tops.. i like them much better.. more for your buck if you ask me.. 200 bucks per 100iu

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1
    huh? this is a joke right? i been a professional bodybuilder for quite some time now to know my shit when it comes to hormones. training cant be matched, diet is always on top 24/7 i always run "components and combos" (i never go off) and calories has nothing to do with it because i know what i expect from hgh and igf is body composition change not weight gain, so it will fit both in high calorie diet and medium calorie diet and low calorie diet.

    igf is GARBAGE! from igtropin to generics to gropep i have used it enough now to know ba will do same thing to your muscles. it give you a pump that ba injected alone will give you. igf looks like palumbos body (big and promising yet cant deliver) it is only water weight and you all know it. the reason you gain those 3-4 pounds is water and the reason you think you lost 2-3% body fat is the pump you get out of those water.

    * i never get fake hormones i been in the game very long. all brand name gear and the gh wether it's brand name or not seem to do the trick while the igf is simply waste of space. nothing that you buy from china for $15/1mg is worth anything. go buy holy water from the holy land.
    i agree also.. had crap experience with igf 1... if i have to eat 600 grams of protien for something to work then im not gonna use it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    As Johnny stated lets clarify what we are using before detailing results. IGF-1 or IGF-1LR3? Lyophilized, suspended or oral.

    Cstrong, didnt you use oratropin?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    As Johnny stated lets clarify what we are using before detailing results. IGF-1 or IGF-1LR3? Lyophilized, suspended or oral.

    Cstrong, didnt you use oratropin?
    yep... even the people who used the oral including johnny b if im not mistaken said you have to 600+ grams of protien

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    well i am currently on the brown top generics, and am at 4iu's ed. Whenever i wake up, my hands are throbbing for a good half hour to an hour. Kinda tingly. I haven't tried jin yet, but will here shortly as I got a good price on it. Only got one kit. Also came up on some blue tops. Gonna try those and compare to the blue.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Dirty South
    i like to use igf-1 during my PCT to help with my keeps.. i have had good experiences so far.. maybe it is your supplier.. my supplier is great

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