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Thread: First IGF-1 injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    First IGF-1 injection

    I did my first injection of 50mcg's in my shoulder today. Is it normal to feel a little sick after your first injection? I feel real weak and little dizzy when i stand up, also a bit of naussea. Not sure if its from the IGF-1 or if I just have a little anxiety from shooting a foreign substance in my body.

    What kind of carbs are good to take after workout. I tried getting some dextrose from the liquor store today and the guy looked at me like I had 3 heads. Anywhere else i can get it besides online?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Bro you prob went a little Hypo. You can order dextrose from Kentnutrition

  3. #3
    yea u def prob had hypo like symptoms. some people get it worse than others depending on sensitivity

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Mike, when did you inject and what did you eat around injection time? Since you're asking what kind of carbs are good to take after you work out I'm assuming you shot your LR3 PWO and didnt consume the correct carbs or amount. If not done correctly that can lead to hypo type symptoms which you listed........

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I shot about 15 minutes after workout. I had a turkey sandwich, banana, protein shake and a glass of V8. I felt likeI shit for a couple hours until I ate some candy, a baked potato and a glass of cranberry juice. I felt alot better after that, just a slight headache and the sides of my head felt a little weird. Not sure if that was just anxiety because I was a little nervous about going hypo. I woke up this morning and I feel fine so who knows. I'm hoping that taking dextrose will eliminate these symptoms. Might wait til I get some before I take my next shot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtymike
    I'm hoping that taking dextrose will eliminate these symptoms. .
    I'm sure they will. Try taking 60g or so of it right after your injection then eat your PWO meal about 45-60 minutes after you finish your shake.

    You need that quick spike to keep you out of hypo so Dextrose will make a difference, then you can eat regularly after that...........

    I'm surprised you're getting those sides at that dose. I have used very high doses with no sides what so ever. Keep us updated on if this works, I'm sure you'll be happy...............

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova

    I'm surprised you're getting those sides at that dose. I have used very high doses with no sides what so ever. .
    some are more sensetiv to it then others. i got 2 friends who go extremly hypo on 40-50mcg if they don't take huge amount of carbs. i at the other hand did'nt notice a thing at 100mcg with just 30gram of dex.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge nl.
    some are more sensetiv to it then others. i got 2 friends who go extremly hypo on 40-50mcg if they don't take huge amount of carbs. i at the other hand did'nt notice a thing at 100mcg with just 30gram of dex.
    Then you and I are in the same boat Rodge.....

    My buddy was running 50mcg ED PWO and couldnt get away from hypo. I on the other hand have ran up to 100mcg PWO with minimal carbs and never saw one side. Just another example how we all differ........

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