Should I take simple carbs or complex carbs while taking IGF?
Thanks for any help.
Should I take simple carbs or complex carbs while taking IGF?
Thanks for any help.
Simple carbs if PWO any other time complex carbs. Igf1 does not have the same hypoglycemic effect as insulin, i have took a shot of igf1 many times without taking carbs after with no problems.
Simple carbohydrates are digested faster which is great PWO as you want fast recovery. Complex carbs stay in your system for a bit longer giving you energy for a few hrs at least. I take complex before training and simple PWO. But as j martini said, IGF is not as bad as insulin when it comes to going hypo.
I just didnt want to feel tired while having a sh*tload of weight on top of me.
Thanks for the help.
I'll combine Martinis and Gear's comments as I like them both but have my own input.
Martini is 100% accurate when saying that IGF-1 doesnt have the same hypo effect as Slin. It seems he has taken LR3 with no carbs and I have taken minimal carbs with no problem. But that does not rule out possible hypogylcemic sides at all. I know people that have taken 40-50mcg and the onset of hypo appears rather quickly. Thos actually need 50-60g of carbs to offset and sides. So even though it isnt common dont rule it out.........
Very true, some people will go hypo a lot easier than others. It all depends on the person so one should carefully experiment and see what suits them best.
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