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Thread: Damaged hgh???

  1. #1
    GearIdentity is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Damaged hgh???

    I recently received generic hgh from china. The pack got home before I was there, so a friend of mine received it for me. He was working on his roof and for some reason he had the pack with him. While he was in the roof I came home, he called my name and through the pack at me and the pack hit the floor pretty damn hard. Believe me, after I realized that it was the hgh powder, I was ready to climb up on the roof and throw him down.

    Will the hgh powder be damaged in any way due to the impact???

  2. #2
    Teabagger's Avatar
    Teabagger is offline Senior Member
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    west of the rockies
    I'm not positive. But consider how it is handled during shipping. You have to bet it gets thrown around alot. In powder form I think it is relatively durable to jostling around and it is packed well. In the reconstituted form I'd say yea, hitting the ground that hard would damage it and make it worthless. Hopefully some other guys on here can be more specific. I would reconstitue a vial and see how it does.
    btw...your neighbor that threw the package to ya, tonight I'd take a shite in right in front of the driver side door of his car...put it close to the car so in the morning he won't notice it before he steps in it...the douchebag.

  3. #3
    GearIdentity is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004
    Yeah bro, thats what I thought but Im just making sure...that douchebag will get he's tonight. Thanx.

  4. #4
    ipso facto is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    It's a powder, and thus very very little surface area to mass. I don't think the powder can be damaged at all (unless there is some physical process I am unaware of)

    You don't want to shake the reconstituted stuff around, because the mass of the water, and its surface tension (electrostatic forces between molecules) can rip the protein apart.

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