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Thread: I am a diabetic with a few questions

  1. #1

    I am a diabetic with a few questions

    First off, how many of you take clen while cycling insulin? I have noticed that it completely kills the effectiveness of insulin and my blood sugars have been through the roof as a result. This is NOT AT ALL healthy.

    Second, how many of you guys test your blood sugars regularly? It seems to me this would be the only way of knowing if you are properly dosing or not. Your body has responses to low blood sugars, in non diabetics as a result of these responses you often do not really notice all that much as they happen rapidly. However in diabetics we have very little in the way of glucagon (the response) stored because often we have a suffered many more low reactions than the typical person. It seems to me there is a real danger here for those who have been using but don't know what their blood sugars have been like, especially if they've been using for an extended period. So do you guys test your sugars at all? If not, I would suggest that you start. It's expensive, but I'm sure most people taking insulin for it's anabolic properties probably have some money to burn. Anyway, just some thoughts. I have more but I'll wait for some responses before we get into them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Yellowknifer
    First off, how many of you take clen while cycling insulin? I have noticed that it completely kills the effectiveness of insulin and my blood sugars have been through the roof as a result. This is NOT AT ALL healthy.
    I agree.I've noticed similar.Especially while running LR3 IGF-1 and clen together.Since clen makes you somewhat insulin insensitive,running LR3 or slin would be somewhat counterproductive IMO.

    Here's a study in this thread to back what I'm saying
    Last edited by Pinnacle; 03-11-2006 at 08:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Do you test your blood sugar at all when on insulin?

    Clen is very bad for diabetics so far as I can tell. I would suspect it is quite bad for non diabetics as well if it causes this much insulin resistance. Today I had a meal in which I would normally take 15 units of insulin. So far I have taken 40+ and my blood sugar is still quite high (just tested it, it's at 14.1 mmol/L). Not a good thing at all. I am very curious as to what kind of blood sugars people run on Clen who are non diabetic. I suspect they are putting all kinds of strain on their pancreas if they aren't simply running higher blood sugars than they realize (which is possible depending on the person and how they react).

    Having a high blood sugar is horrible for working out as well. You get nowhere near the same results.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Yellowknifer
    Do you test your blood sugar at all when on insulin?

    I use a glucometer all the time to dial in my carbs whether running slin,IGF on nothing at all.It's a great tool to keep BF in check year round since I don't like going over 11 % BF these days.I prefer to stay on the leaner side year round.Even if it costs me a few pounds of LBM in the process.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I use a glucometer all the time to dial in my carbs whether running slin,IGF on nothing at all.It's a great tool to keep BF in check year round since I don't like going over 11 % BF these days.I prefer to stay on the leaner side year round.Even if it costs me a few pounds of LBM in the process.

    Have you tested your sugars while just on Clen? I am quite curious about this. I wonder how Clen affects the non diabetic's blood sugar.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Yellowknifer
    Have you tested your sugars while just on Clen? I am quite curious about this. I wonder how Clen affects the non diabetic's blood sugar.
    Not on clen alone.When I ran it with LR3 I did.This is why I stand by the study I posted in the other thread.Cause it held true for me as well.


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