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  1. #1
    Vaj10's Avatar
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    New Generic HGH, lab test?

    My source has a new generic HGH available, grey top vials. Apparently it comes in 8 iu vials (25/kit totaling 200ius) and is 191AA and has the purity of more then 95 percent. My source also had the HGH lab tested and was very pleased with the results. I can just stick to jintropins but the price per iu on these is very tempting. Im just scared its not gonna be what its hyped up to be and just piss my money away when i could have spent it on jins.

    What should i do?????????????

    Should i buy 1 kit and have it lab tested for myself??? if so, where the hell could i get that done in the tri-state area??

    any feedback would be appreciated..


  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Do you really thing a label would lower the price that much? Jino is the only lab in china that is licensed to use the method to make 191aa HGH. 192aa HGH is cheaper to make, so my guess is the generic is 192aa HGH ans not 191aa. I've laso read a report that tested the generic HGH and it was 192aa HGH


  3. #3
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vaj10
    My source has a new generic HGH available, grey top vials. Apparently it comes in 8 iu vials (25/kit totaling 200ius) and is 191AA and has the purity of more then 95 percent. My source also had the HGH lab tested and was very pleased with the results. I can just stick to jintropins but the price per iu on these is very tempting. Im just scared its not gonna be what its hyped up to be and just piss my money away when i could have spent it on jins.

    What should i do?????????????

    Should i buy 1 kit and have it lab tested for myself??? if so, where the hell could i get that done in the tri-state area??

    any feedback would be appreciated..

    One always wonders if HGH is in perfect condition. I don't know how much it would cost to be tested. However, you can get a blood level on GH. This seems like it would at least indicate some elevated GH level.

  4. #4
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Well if you said your friend tested i tand it cam eback 191aa. then whats th eproblem? am I missing something here? or are you just going by his word? if the las test say yeah, then why say nay?

  5. #5
    Slic4788 is offline Associate Member
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    I would buy a kit and try it out, maybe the results would be even better than jin(it happens).And esp. if you plan to run gh for long term in future- can save you a lot of money.
    Last edited by Slic4788; 03-29-2006 at 04:58 PM.

  6. #6
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    The thing with 192aa is it can build up anti-bodies that will render the HGH useless,. why take that chance to save a couple of bucks? Worst case scenario it could render your natural HGH useless too, not good


  7. #7
    Vaj10's Avatar
    Vaj10 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    The thing with 192aa is it can build up anti-bodies that will render the HGH useless,. why take that chance to save a couple of bucks? Worst case scenario it could render your natural HGH useless too, not good


    thanks johnnyb.. i appreciate the info...

    mrment: source, not a friend.. therefore i question the supposed lab results.

    stickin to jins.. thanks!

  8. #8
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vaj10
    thanks johnnyb.. i appreciate the info...

    mrment: source, not a friend.. therefore i question the supposed lab results.

    stickin to jins.. thanks!
    OK I understand know. Well a source will tell you exactly what you wanna hear to make you happy and take your money

  9. #9
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Actually it sounds like brown tops, if it is do some more research an dcome up with your own conclusion. I unhderstand wat JB is saying however there is no real proof that its 192aa.. just research.

  10. #10
    atlas10's Avatar
    atlas10 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Do you really thing a label would lower the price that much? Jino is the only lab in china that is licensed to use the method to make 191aa HGH. 192aa HGH is cheaper to make, so my guess is the generic is 192aa HGH ans not 191aa. I've laso read a report that tested the generic HGH and it was 192aa HGH

    jino is the only licensed 191aa HGH at the moment.. the grey tops that are being discussed in this thread with soon have a label and box.. also they should be a licensed company by may from what my source tells me.. one of the ex-ceo's of gensci is the one who started this company.. from what my source tells me.. they will be putting a big dent in gensci's sells within the next 6 months.. if they already havent..

  11. #11
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    My guy has 4Iu/vial Blue tops and he claims they are 192AA FYI.
    Jino's for me
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  12. #12
    MorganKane is offline Associate Member
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    I have used the 8iu brown tops with great success. I had more sides with 3iu then 4iu of Jino.

    I would not read much into a lab test from the source with getting that test verifed by contacting the lab directly.

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