just curious as to who has ran what brand and what were their experiences.
if you have ran more than one.. how were they comparable.
please im very curious to see how these stack up next to eachother as far as experiences in the field go.
just curious as to who has ran what brand and what were their experiences.
if you have ran more than one.. how were they comparable.
please im very curious to see how these stack up next to eachother as far as experiences in the field go.
Bump. I'm curious too.
Ive tried both Jinos and generic brown tops and both were good.
Serano + Jino. Liked both, very comparable.
More sides from american though, possibly stronger? Not sure.
-B D
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“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
from what i have read .. sides = strongerOriginally Posted by IBdmfkr
I think so too actually. I only ran it at 4IU/day as opposed to the Jino at 10iuEOD and 5iu/day as of now.
Keep in mind though, the serano I picked up straight from pharmacy and the Jino was shipped, may have made a slight difference, who knows.
-B D
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“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
I just commented on another thread about this. I got way more toleralbe sides with Serostim then I am with Jin.
Yep, so you noticed that too eh?
I am only 3-4months in Jino as well so it's hard to tell a difference so far, I am on PCT so we'll see if I hold gains like I did while on serano. Great stuff btw.
-B D
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“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
SERONO RULES!! My own opinion.
Last edited by Ufa; 04-14-2006 at 10:48 AM.
switched from jino's to generic(blue tops) and cts came back hard at same dose.
ran jino for 4 months and gained/kept 10lbs. i was VERY happy. it got me through the largest plateau of my life.
Ran Jino for 4 months then switched to Ansomone. Some think it's 192aa. All I know is it works well even at 2 IU's/day. Been on since March 2005
jinos and generics both good..
I was on jino for 8 month...effects i felt:
1.CTS mostly in the beginning
2.burned fat like hell....became reallly slim
4.lost weight from the fatloss,did not gain any significient musclemass
3.you are supposed to feel an increase in wellbeing...all i felt was that i was tired like hell all cycle,and to be truly i felt like shit with no motivaion for anything
5.in like the 6 month I started to feel real sick,my memorie was in the condition of a 85 year old alzeimer lady(no kidding,if i was going to do something at work I forgot after like 5 seconds what i was going to do...and that happen all the time and made it really hard for me to do my work properly.I also got an extreamly enoing and painful hiccup,hiccough ,wich i could have for 6-8 hours constant for like 2 month straight ,it dissapear for malybe 1 day at most to then start again.
Ï did not use insulin...and even worser i got the advice not to eat 1 h before shot and 2 h anfter shot just so that the insulinrises after a meal would interfer with the gh,because then it would interfere with the gh in a negative mening...I also was told not to use t3 under gh cycle .
my opiniion now is that insulinsensetivety reduces while on gh and with not using slin with gh will get you unnormary high blodsugar...with could be the reason why i was tired alll the time and felt like shit.kind of same symptoms a diabetiker would exprerience whit out talking insulin to reduce the blodsugar.
I have also under these time that gh interfere with you thyroid and making it produce less t3(or accually t4).the symptoms I got with confusion and reduced memory,tiredness,no motivation,and that ****ing painfull hiccough,I am sure was because an decreased thyroidfunction.
but as i have learned from mostly of the gh users in this forum..and almost every other active forums on the net-mostly users dont get that kind of sideffects.
after all i would anyway whant to say that jintropin is qualitygrowth...only thing is that for some people you need to combine it with other drugs to get the most of it..but everyone is differrent and you will notice quite soon if you get any sides...and then try to deal with them i u must to.
I will start a new gh cycle any day soon...this time i will get my self a bloodglucosmonitor to check my bloodsugar and do something about it if it gets a problem....will allso ad t3 at a low dose.
Thanks for the post Pareec,
You being tired all the time, I wonder if you really might be diabetic and it just hasn't been caught yet?
Did you cycle it with anything else or just HGH by itself?
You said it burned fat really fast, when did you start to notice the slimming effects?
Originally Posted by GreenLantern12
I´m starting to believe more and more that I could have diabetes.
I am 26 years old,and I have to take a nap everyday as soon as I get home from work.I can easily fall asleep anytime during day if I want to...and that can´t be normal,can it?=)
today I am not on gh but while I was,the fatigue was even worser.
from what I now have understood,gh will raise your bloodsugar.maybe I already had high levels,and if so, the gh raised it even more...and made me feel even worser.
I have a kit jino waiting in the fridge,but I will wait to start them before I have checked my bloodsugar.
I have ordered a bloodglucose meter to check my values.
I think that if you have a value over 6 mmol/l or 7 mmol/l you are diabetic,but I am not sure...
anyone knows what the normal range for bloodsugar is?
Originally Posted by GreenLantern12
I started my cycle in august with 2iu 5/2 for the first maybe three weeks,then i upped the dose to 4iu and started a cycle with 500mg-1000mg week of test for 12 weeks.somewhere in the test cycle I also did 1.5mg igf-1 at 66mcg ed, while lowering the gh to 2iu.
normaly when on test,you feel great but I was still pretty tired all the time.
then I did regular pct together with 1.5mg igf-1(igtropin).at 66mcg ed divided in to shots.
after that I continiued with 4iu gh for about three month,I also did a new cycle with a low dose of test (250mg/w),and 200mg deca.
I know that was to early to start a new cycle.but I was going to start a new job,and I did it just to get motivation to be able to work
after eight weeks I stopped everything because the bad sides I experienced.I think my thyroid was completely ****ed up.I read on the net about thyroid disease,and I had every symptom you could have.
gh will conflict with your thyroid.
this cycle started in august 2004 and ended mars 2005.
I dont really remember exactly when I started to notice any fat decrease...but I think gh will start to burn fat from the first shot you do.Originally Posted by GreenLantern12
I know that in november-december(4-5 month) I was really slim.I had problem injecting because there was almost just skin i could pinch in my stomach,or anywhere else on my body.
I normally have low bodyfat with veins visiuble on my arms after a gym pass.
but while on gh veins started to come up on my stomach,shoulders,legs and chest.
one strange thing is that after about the 4-5 month mark,the fat burning effects dissapeared...that could maybe be because of that my thyroid then was so supressed that it was hardly producing any t3.
not that i think that the fatburning effects was due to t3,but that gh does not work properly without t3.
I have learned alot about gh,insulin and t3 in this forum,but I still have lots to learn...so feel free to comment.
thanks pareec
I have bloodwork done minimum of twice/yr, why does a good MD have to do my BW as I can read values.
-B D
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“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
I like Serono - Serostim: good results, ease of use, ease of storage & portability, Very Minor SidesEffects - for me it ain't broke so I aint gonna try to fix it...Saizen was testier mixing, storing, portability, but still good results
isnt generic and jino the same?
i believe jintropin just slaps a label on it type of deal.
so ive heard anyway.
kind've like pathmark tylenol is the same as tylenol but cheaper.
hard to believe unless u were running aas w/ itOriginally Posted by Steele
Search my HGH posts as I 'm not typing all that info all over again>i've done that one too many times already.It gets real old of ya know what I mean?
i know i have read it before.. i just wanted basically a POLL type answers of the present peepsOriginally Posted by Pinnacle
id say generic...best bang for your buck.Originally Posted by taiboxa
Last edited by aadrenaline; 04-18-2006 at 03:42 PM.
tried both jinos and generic and can't tell a difference
Pareec, I am also experiencing mind boggling fatigue while on gh. I have only been on it for 52 days 2 IU 5/2.(I will purchase a meter today), but in answer to your question on normal blood sugar range,found this on the net and hope it is helpful;Originally Posted by pareec
Before Meals: 70-100 mg/dl
At Bedtime:100-140 mg/dl
Post Meal: 140-160 mg/dl
What are the symptoms of Diabetes?
Blurred vision
Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
Frequent urination
Extreme hunger
Excessive thirst
Very dry skin
Sores that are slow to heal
More infections than usual
Feeling very tired much of the time
Unexplained weight loss
I've used Jintropin and I'm very happy with it. I tried to get my hands on Serostim but couldn't so I just started another Jintropin cycle.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
Thanks for all the input!
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