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Thread: GH Cycles

  1. #1
    smurphy_92781 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    GH Cycles

    How important is it to cycle off GH 1 or 2x a week ? I've heard you can inhibit your bodies natural ability to produce GH if you do not do this.
    Also if you are a diabetic what is the risk of taking GH & if you have broken bones is there a risk there ?

    Thanks for the Help!

    w/o 4+x's a week
    5Iu GH 6/1
    (My father is a diabetic thats why I ask he is 64/140lbs)

  2. #2
    smurphy_92781 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    also can someone palease coment on when you should eat regarding GH?
    I've heard conflicting stories some say 2 hrs befor some say not at all.

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