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Thread: IGF injections.

  1. #1
    IronSheff's Avatar
    IronSheff is offline Junior Member
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    IGF injections.

    This will be my first time using IGF. I am curious as to whether the experienced users prefer IM or Sub-Q injections. I plan on running 40mcg/d for 6 weeks.

    6'0" 195lbs approx 9-10%bf 22 yrs old.
    Formerly used substances: Test, Var, Fina, Winny.

    Thank you.

    In addition, I am coming off of a list of injuries/sicknesses which have aided in my significant weight loss. About 15 lbs. lost over the course of 8 or so months- just to give some insight.
    Last edited by IronSheff; 05-02-2006 at 10:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Hurculoss's Avatar
    Hurculoss is offline New Member
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    I would agree with RedBaron. I have done two previous cycles of IGF reconstituted in AA, both cycles were at 40mcg/day, and the first one i started out doing sub q for the first two weeks and didnt really notice anything but the red spots until i then switched up to IM and then I felt it working. It could just be in my mind but when I started my second cycle doing all IM shots, I noticed the pumps in the first week. Good luck with your cycle bro.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Even though it can be done Sub-Q, I actually don't know anyone that takes IGF Sub-Q, I would stick with IM.


  4. #4
    IronSheff's Avatar
    IronSheff is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys.

    Also, along with the more noticable physical benefits that come with gh/igf like substances, can anyone make any significant comments on the healing properties associated with its use?

    From my understanding, if there is any benefit in this sense,(ligament repairation/general injury healing) is it temporary or lasts only during application, as is the case with Deca and joint lubrication? Moreso, if all above is given would a short 6 week cycle of the less potent IGF(in technical terms) be anywhere comparable to a longer hGH cycle? Basically, I understand that the two are somewhat difficult to compare I would just like to know if these results are only seen after the extended use of the product, as serious hGH cycles can, in theory, be never ending.


  5. #5
    250 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2005
    Where can i find 10mM HCl ?

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