05-06-2006, 12:31 AM #1Associate Member
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hGH and lack of pumps? (Important)
I have been on jin GH for about 2 weeks now and I of course noticed the side effects very well starting the first day. So far I love it, my sleep changes are VERY noticable, my bones started and stopped paining as I got used to it. I notice when I work out I have no pumps and I burn out after like 4 sets on arms, etc. Anyone know why? I am only running 3 iu per day right now with a max of maybe 4-6 iu (which will come over the next couple of weeks and then top off) I am not taking insulin or IGF or juice, just hGH...However I have cut out simple sugars, and only taking in complex carbs (although I am eating white bread, white rice, lasagne, etc which is almost as bad) most of the complex carbs still have high glycemic bases, therefore increasing blood sugar levels. I am guessing I have low glycogen levels in the muscles I am working. But won't hGH shuttle sugars into the muscle and excrete left-over sugars? hence the low blood sugar levels I have while taking hGH. I notice I feel close to ketosis all the time. What I want to know is if I should start drinking a coke or dextrose/simple right after my workout to create and insulin spike and then run protein and/or carb or sugars? My goal with the ghg is the obvious overall benefits but I am most hoping for two things- increased muscle mass and more importantly decreased bodyfat. Anyone with knowledge on this subject or some suggestions as to what I should do? I am catching this very early so I still have almost 6 months to make progess.
05-06-2006, 02:50 PM #2Associate Member
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Redbaron, I appreciate the info...what you have stated is what I have been scared of though...won't a 5-6 month cycle of this lead to insulin resistance and eventually diabetes? The last thing I want is diabetes, therefore in your opinion should I stay on cycle and consider a particular diet? or is it safe to say I won't become diabetic? I do notice a BIG drop in my sweet tooth. I used to have a big sweet tooth and now i could care less.
05-06-2006, 03:30 PM #3Associate Member
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Also, RED, would you happen to know what I could do to get rid of this? and get my muscles back so I can get a decent pump and some sugar into the muscles? AND I mean without insulin . I won't mess with insulin but this feeling sucks, working out sucks REALLY bad. I get like 4 sets, no pump and I'm done....one thing, healing is great...I can work out muscles every second or third day easily, instead of once a week. I guess I will start taking in more protein and complex carbs and hopefully keep muscle. I was hoping to gain muscle and lose fat but I dont think any muscle can be gained like this. Also, doesn't help that I drink beers like 3 times a week...my liver isn't going to be too happy.
Last edited by Equiguns; 05-06-2006 at 04:06 PM.
05-06-2006, 04:08 PM #4Associate Member
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I also notice I can't even flex properly, the muscles are soft and when I practice posing, nothing really happens...
05-06-2006, 04:13 PM #5Associate Member
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and I am starting to feel weak and tired, porbably not good signs. I do know that the amount of hgh won't affect this, so I can increase my dose, but being insulin resistant is worrying me. Maybe running this stuff on/off could be better? i knew my first time would cause problems.
05-06-2006, 05:30 PM #6
Beer turns to sugar. Hope you got the will power to stop the beer.
Take care.
05-06-2006, 05:43 PM #7Associate Member
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Beer turns to sugar? Beer is empty calories, and you are saying those empy calories turn into sugar once inside the body? My old lady is a dietician so I will check into that, that may be the problem.
05-06-2006, 05:45 PM #8
Check it out..
05-07-2006, 11:18 AM #9
Great thread. I'm about 6 weeks into an Hgh cycle (2IU twice daily), and I too notice the workouts are harder than ever, and pump is reduced. I sweat like never before as well. Unlike when I was on Test, I have had no problem getting my butt out of the gym in an hour
On the plus side, I've lost 2-4mm of fat around the abdominal area. At that pace, I'm looking forward to the 26 week mark
RedBaron's reply connects a few dots for me, and now see one reason why it is best to be on Hgh for a couple of months before starting a cycle....so the glucose uptake issue can work itself out.
05-07-2006, 05:17 PM #10
I think I know what your talking about Equiguns. I've been on for about 2 weeks too, although my pumps haven't takin a hit as bad as you have, probly because I'm still on a lower dose. 2iu 6/1. BUt lately my cardio has went to crap, at first I thoughtit was because I was stepping up my cardio so much or maybe because I waas doing it on an empty stomach and I just didn't have the energy to go through my workout.
As far as my sweet tooth I've never really had one, more affected was my appitite, all morning and most of the afternoon I wouldn't be hungry, but then late in the evening I would get crazy hungry. I'm kinda thinking when I bumb up my dosage to split it one in the afternoon so I don't get so hungry after the HGH runs through my syatem, or maybe start it up EoD
05-07-2006, 09:48 PM #11Associate Member
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Well, I have been thinking about this today...RED should agree with the following as well. What about running Glucophase XR by Designer Supplements? Similar to glucophage...it will shuttle sugars into the muscle and lower my blood sugar levels...right now I have been checking and my levels are good. My resting is always under 110 and about 2 hours after shabby meals it is still under 140 or so, so that is good. I am starting up at 2 iu X twice a day next week...I need to get some sugars into my muscles cause i feel like a weenie and i can't even pose down and flex. This glucophase XR sound good? what would my optimum schedule look like? HGH in the morning then cardio, then HGH in the evening and lift hard, then post workout sugar, maybe half a coke or something along with the glucophase. Any input on schedule and the glucophase XR?
05-09-2006, 01:10 PM #12Associate Member
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Glucophase XR sound like a good thing?
05-09-2006, 09:07 PM #13Associate Member
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My Blood glucose levels are normal right now, but that doesn't mean I don't need to restore my muscles. I am thinking I will take it throughout the day 1 pill at a time and during my workout, that way 15-30 minutes after I take it (when my workout is over), I am ready for some sugar and it will find muscle instead of fat.
05-09-2006, 09:25 PM #14New Member
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I am currently taking Glucophase XR 3 times a day. 30 minutes before a meal. Been on Jins 4 ui a day 5/2. this is my 3rd week. Started to take Glucophase XR right from the begining and my pumps seem to be akay, also using 250mg a week os sust and 300mg a week of tren e.
05-09-2006, 11:35 PM #15Associate Member
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Hey, this may be off topic, but you should increase your test (sust) so it is a little higher then your tren , also don't forget to run the sust everyday injects, or at the LEAST EOD injects...get the full use out of the tests that are in there...but I would increase test a little more and run the tren the same. I find running the test more then the tren makes the cycle a little more "juicier"
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