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Thread: Jintropin AQ

  1. #1

    Jintropin AQ

    Has anyone found or used the Jintropin AQ Pens? Just wondering about your experiences with them. I heard GenSci is suppose to make them, but I haven't found anything.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    I heard that they were supossed to come out with pens. Run a search on google, see what you come up with.

    I havent seen any on my end.

  3. #3
    I emailed GenSci and they do have them available now, they aren't listed on the website for some reason. I guess you have to special order them to get them. I think they sell them with a 300 I.U. minimum order.

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