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  1. #1
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Inj. Help! HGH/IGF/SLIN

    I´m going to take HGH + SLIN + LR3IGF-1
    together with steroids offcourse...

    And im wondering when i should take the different compounds?

    I was thinking like this:

    3ie Hgh in morning + 3ie post workout (non workout days??)
    10ie Slin post workout
    40mcg lr3IGF-1 post workout (non workout days in morning, AM)

    Is this the best way to take it??
    Is it dangerous to take IGF-1 together with Slin??
    On non workout days when should i take HGH, AM only or in afternon to??


  2. #2
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    you need to do some research... there is a lot of important things you need to know and answering a few of your questions would give you enough to take everything.. but not to understand it and ensure your doing it right... invest the time in research it's the biggest key to your success... good luck

  3. #3
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    you need to do some research... there is a lot of important things you need to know and answering a few of your questions would give you enough to take everything.. but not to understand it and ensure your doing it right... invest the time in research it's the biggest key to your success... good luck
    I have tried to read and lern about it. But i´m not super best on english so its a bit difficult...=) That´s why i post here to get help!

    So can someone please explain a bit of my cuestions...So i do it right!


    // Swedish competing bodybuilder

  4. #4
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Honestly I don't have too much research with IGF or SLIN so let me start by saying that I would only use IGF SLIN PWO... and GH on days worked.. so basically MON-FRI and the weekends off to let my body recover a little... work up to that amount of GH too... do the first month with 2IU morning only and then increase .5IU day each week until you get to where you want to be...

  5. #5
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Ok! But should i take hgh 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 post workout, when i have reached 6ie/day? Or 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the afternon, regardless when i workout...? (I usually workout in the evening...sometime between 18.00-21.00)

  6. #6
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    I would split it after you reach 3IU..

  7. #7
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, Perfect!

    And the last thing: HGH = 3ie AM + 3ie Post workout or is it 3ie in the afternoon regardless when i workout??

    Thank´s a lot for your fast answers!! =)

  8. #8
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    First off welcome to AR.........

    Now lets take a look at what we have here. I'd stop taknig the LR3 and Slin simultaneously. Cycle them 4 weeks on and off on opposite weeks. By doing that you wont put yourself at a higher risk of sides (primarily hypo) and will have a continuous shuttling system for nutrients.

    Secondly, the GH looks good. 3iu Am and 3iu Pm regardless of W/O days or not.

    How's that sound?

  9. #9
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    I would do 5 on 2 off... Just to be safe because we don't have the long term research on cycling it properly so I wouldn't try to provoke permanent shut down... as far as the IGF/SLIN goes... he may have some sense with that... but then again I believe that IGF/SLIN work synergystically so you want to use them in conjunction... and I would use it for 5 weeks... varied opinions although Jayhova may have the experience on me... maybe he can give me better backing on his ideas as to why they are better than mine... I'm always open to learning... THANKS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    First off welcome to AR.........

    Now lets take a look at what we have here. I'd stop taknig the LR3 and Slin simultaneously. Cycle them 4 weeks on and off on opposite weeks. By doing that you wont put yourself at a higher risk of sides (primarily hypo) and will have a continuous shuttling system for nutrients.

    Secondly, the GH looks good. 3iu Am and 3iu Pm regardless of W/O days or not.

    How's that sound?

  10. #10
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Thank´s! =)

    That was what i was thinking...! (Cycle them 4 weeks on and off on opposite weeks) That´s why I was asking if it is dangerous to take Igf-1 with Slin...=) So im not sooo stupid! yehaaaw! thanks for that answer!

    But I have also read that it´s good to take HGH PWO also...? But if thats not so good should I take it perhaps Pre WO??

    For example if I workout at 19.00 in the evening...when is the best time to take the second inj. of HGH?

    Hehe...There is a lot of typing for easy questions in real life! =)

  11. #11
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    I must add that I have taken HGH+Slin before in Cycles so im femiliar to the effect of Slin...

  12. #12
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I would do 5 on 2 off
    I would as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I would use it for 5 weeks
    You know what, this 4 week/5 week cycling method is all a proclaimed protocol. I have read about people that have never stopped cycling Slin for months and months at a time with no negative repercussions. If or one cycle 4on/4off b/c of personal runs. I've ran Slin and LR3 more times then I prefer to mention. I truied running LR3 as long as I could to see how I reacted. After about 5 weeks my gains ceased. I came off and continue to run it for 4 weeks at a clip.

    In all honesty no one can come on this thread/board and claim that one method is better then another. Thats what funny about AAS, the majority is hypothetical and the rest is backed on what others have done with crossed fingers hoping the same happen for them.

    As far as a synergistic effect I'd prefer to have a continuous bus contributing to feeding my muscles rather then 4-5 week breaks. To each is own.

  13. #13
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Jayhova please answer my last questions...

    "But I have also read that it´s good to take HGH PWO also...? But if thats not so good should I take it perhaps Pre WO??
    For example if I workout at 19.00 in the evening...when is the best time to take the second inj. of HGH?"

    Thank you all sooooo much!

  14. #14
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StrengthSWE
    "But I have also read that it´s good to take HGH PWO also...? But if thats not so good should I take it perhaps Pre WO??
    For example if I workout at 19.00 in the evening...when is the best time to take the second inj. of HGH?"
    If you're working out at 7pm, I suggest taking your first one right when you wake up and your second dose Pre w/o. I may be getting ahead of myself with this answer b/c it depends on when you are getting to bed and if you pituitary is still firing regularly (your age).

    How old are you and how long after your w/o do you go to bed?

  15. #15
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    If you're working out at 7pm, I suggest taking your first one right when you wake up and your second dose Pre w/o. I may be getting ahead of myself with this answer b/c it depends on when you are getting to bed and if you pituitary is still firing regularly (your age).

    How old are you and how long after your w/o do you go to bed?
    I´m 27 years old...
    I usually go to bed earliest at 23pm...

    Right now om not working so bed time can even be at 02 in the right now! Time here is 02.30 in the night...

  16. #16
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StrengthSWE
    I´m 27 years old...
    I usually go to bed earliest at 23pm...

    Right now om not working so bed time can even be at 02 in the right now! Time here is 02.30 in the night...

    OK so your last shot wont interfere with night time pulse, good. The later the better though. This should suffice:

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    If you're working out at 7pm, I suggest taking your first one right when you wake up and your second dose Pre w/o.

  17. #17
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for youre answers!

    Just so there is no missunderstanding...when we say Pre workout, do you mean that i should take it about 30min before my workout? Always? Or just sometime before my workout in the afternoon...? Personally I think that I get a better pump in my workout when taking it ~30min PreW...So if thats how i should do im very happy with that!!

  18. #18
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StrengthSWE
    Personally I think that I get a better pump in my workout when taking it ~30min PreW
    If we were talking about LR3 I would say pre w/o if looking for a pump. With GH more then likely you will not see an added "pump" in your regular w/o regimen. I say probably b/c I've never heard of a pump from GH nor see a reason why there would be but still leave room for error. If you go into thinking you'll get a pump you might mentally feel one so I wont burst your bubble.

    Quote Originally Posted by StrengthSWE
    when we say Pre workout, do you mean that i should take it about 30min before my workout?
    Anytime early afternoon is good enough. I'd rather see you taking it earlier and further away from bedtime rather then right before your w/o but only afew hours before bed.

    Best of luck buddy!!!!!!!!!

  19. #19
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    If we were talking about LR3 I would say pre w/o if looking for a pump. With GH more then likely you will not see an added "pump" in your regular w/o regimen. I say probably b/c I've never heard of a pump from GH nor see a reason why there would be but still leave room for error. If you go into thinking you'll get a pump you might mentally feel one so I wont burst your bubble.

    Problably just an Placebo effect then...hehe!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Anytime early afternoon is good enough. I'd rather see you taking it earlier and further away from bedtime rather then right before your w/o but only afew hours before bed.

    Best of luck buddy!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, thank you so much!! I´m very satisfied with thees answers...!
    Sorry if I was a bit slow...hehe...Doh! time for bed now...0300 in the night so im pretty tired, thats why!

    Thank´s again!

  20. #20
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StrengthSWE
    Sorry if I was a bit slow
    Not slow at all buddy. Took me years to learn and i still have a lot more to learn. You got a quick lecture in 30 minutes

    Best of luck and dont forget to post results.

  21. #21
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    when on slin i would run the second shot of hgh with your slin both pwo IM.


  22. #22
    StrengthSWE is offline Junior Member
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    I´s there a reason why Intramuscular?

    The Slin I will take is Humalog or Novorapid...both comes in a multiuse pen, with interchangeable needle...They are very fast so is it necessary to take it IM?? If thats the reason so to speak...??

    And say that I´ll be taking lr3Igf-1 also...should everything be taken PWO?

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