Thread: First time Humalog ?'s
05-24-2006, 05:56 PM #1
First time Humalog ?'s
Hey guys,
I've been researching slin use and have a few questions and would appreciate any comments on what I have laid out so far.
I plan on using Humalog (have on hand) PWO only which is 4 days a week. I will start at 4IU and slowly work my way up to 10IU. 4 weeks on/4 weeks off
Can I use Vitargo(with CEE/glutamine) as my simple carb drink immediately after injection? I will follow with a 75g whey only shake 15 minutes after carb.
I will have a solid meal, 50g protein/50g carbs,(no fat) 1 hour after carb/protein shakes.
I will have another shake, 50g protein/50g carb(vitargo) 1 hour after solid meal.
Is it necessary to have another meal or shake at the 3 hour mark?
I work out 2 days pm and 2 am. Concerning the PM workouts I wont be able to shoot slin until 9pm. How long is it necessary to stay awake?
The Humalog is in 3ml containers at 100IU per ML. So, with a slin pin, would 4 ticks of a U100(1/2cc pin) be 4iu?
I have read that it is not advised to pull out of a 3ml glass vile as it would break using a slin pin? Can I use a slin pin or do I have to use a pen?
My humalog was not shipped cold. I did refridgerate it after I received it. Is is necessary to keep in cool always or just after opening?
Lots of questions guys. Thanks for helping if you can. I dont have a BG meter but will get one and check for baseline.
Im one week into PCT and also taking 2iu of HGH ED.
05-24-2006, 06:17 PM #2
What is CEE? Why not get some dextrose from a brewery store and use it?
05-24-2006, 07:10 PM #3
Sorry, CEE is Creatine Ethyl Ester. Its the only creatine that Ive found that doesnt bother my stomach. I started using Vitargo PWO earlier this year. I like it because, once again, it doesnt upset my stomach and its reputed to be absorbed 70% faster into the muscles then dextrose.
I have ulcerative colitus, a form of inflammatory bowel disease. So, certain things tend to bother my stomach. I can use dextrose, but I just dont feel good when I do. Vitargo doesnt even taste too sweet.
05-24-2006, 07:30 PM #4
I'm unsure what Vitargo is, but I am assuming it's carbohydrates. If it's simple carbs (so if it contains maltodextrin or dextrose or a mixture of the two) then that would be fine to use PWO.
At the 3rd hr mark, insulin (Humalog) is already on its way to exiting your system so it's not necessary to have another solid meal for your third meal, a shake will get the job done.
With Humalog, I would stay awake for a minimum of 4hrs post injection.
4 ticks on the U100 pin would be 4IU yes.
If you can manage to pull out the slin from a 3ml vial with an insulin syringe then do so, otherwise using a pen is much easier and it's also easier to measure out how much slin you want.
I would keep your insulin refridgirated at all times.
Good luck with your cycle.
05-24-2006, 07:39 PM #5Originally Posted by cgb6810
You see dextrose is pure glucose. Glucose is the last stage your body goes through before digesting what you just had. So if dextrose is glucose already, this means there would be no need for your body to convert that dex into glucose because it is glucose, therefore it gets digested right away. The absorption doesn't get any faster than that. Vitargo on the other hand would probably be mlatodextrin, maltodextrin is carbohydrates and once we consume malto, our body converts that malto into glucose and then digests it. You see how Vitargo has to go through the process of converting it self to glucose, and dex doesn't? That is why dextrose is the faster absorbed. Hope that made sense.
05-25-2006, 03:11 PM #6
Thanks for answering my questions Gear. Ive been researching, but I would not want to make a mistake with slin.
Your explanation of Dextrose makes perfect sense. The Vitargo is made from Swedish waxy maize starch. I know several local bodybuilders who use it with slin and swear by it. What I like most is that it doesnt bother my stomach in any way and dextrose does. For that reason, Im going to use it, but I will have dextrose on hand if needed.
This upcoming Sunday will be my first go with slin PWO. Im already a little nervous.
Thanks again for your help!
05-25-2006, 05:46 PM #7
Let us know how it works out
05-25-2006, 08:42 PM #8
Good luck and be carefull.
05-28-2006, 09:26 AM #9
Good luck with your first run of slin, I am always cautious and do things like carry dex tablets with me in my pocket, in the car etc when I have had my shot. If at all possible tell someone (partner) etc if they know your using what you will be taking and what to do in case of emergencies.
Run it sensibly as it seems you will be and you should see some great gains. When you get more experienced with it you can tailor your carb/iu of slin ration to what suits your body but I would err on the side of caution for your first few cycles
05-28-2006, 01:33 PM #10
CGB, I used Vitargo for quite a while and then switched to Malt. Really didnt see a difference except in my pockets. Vitargo is way too expensive. I prefer to mix some CEE with my own Malt.
Gear and Johnny did a great job on helping you out, they always do.
05-28-2006, 01:52 PM #11
Thanks again for the help guys. This site is the greatest resource a bodybuilder could ask for.
I did 4iu for the first time yesterday and everything went as planned. I had no feeling that I was on slin while it was active. Is there a feeling if everything goes alright?
Today I shot 6iu and did my pwo shakes and am ready for my ppwo meal as I type this. Once again, I don't "feel" anything as of yet. I suppose that means Im not going hypo. I do feel a forearm pump as Im typing this. I am also a little drowsy, but I didnt sleep worth a damn last night.
Oh well, I'll go eat my meal and stay awake for a few more hours before I get to take a nap.
05-28-2006, 01:56 PM #12
Jayhova, thanks for the vitargo info. I searched back and read some of your old posts that you were trying it. I like vitargo because its so easy for me to stomach. Dex will bother me if I take it in the quantity I need with slin. In fact most simple sugars bother me as I have ulcerative colitus. I dont know why, but vitargo does not.
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