I just received several kits of Kefei blue tops. The first vial I reconstituted wasn't vacuum sealed so I tried another from one of the other kits and it wasn't vacuum sealed either. They look normal, but when I insert the syringe into the vial normally I have to hold back the plunger so that the Bac water isn't pulled into the vial too quickly and with these I actually have to inject the water. The previous Kefei blue top kits that I have used were vacuum sealed and they were excellent. I saw two people mention this same problem on another board. I don't know if Kefei just made a bad batch or what happened. Doesn't GH have to be vacuum sealed so that the peptide doesn't degrade? Anyone know if they may be o.k. for at least 2 months or so of being in the fridge or are they going to be useless? Any insight will be greatly appreciated.