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Thread: latest and greatest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    latest and greatest

    I am suprised that our Vet members in this forum have not posted information on the newer peptides that have hit the market. There are some very interesting new products available to us. How about oral IGF(oratropin), HGH fragments, MGF(pegylated), ectotropin, hexatropin, and more. I feel that we are getting behind the times guys, and you guys are definately in the know. I am excited about recent discoveries, and you guys should be as well.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    I am suprised that our Vet members in this forum have not posted information on the newer peptides that have hit the market. There are some very interesting new products available to us. How about oral IGF(oratropin), HGH fragments, MGF(pegylated), ectotropin, hexatropin, and more. I feel that we are getting behind the times guys, and you guys are definately in the know. I am excited about recent discoveries, and you guys should be as well.

    I question any of those orals. The half life is so short that I can't see them being effective.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Personally i'd only post info on stuff i had tried... Of them MGF would be the only one.

    I agree we are behind though

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Oral IGF? Please. If major pharmaceutical companies have not been able to do it, how could a research company accomplish this?

    It would probably take me a few days of research/writing to make a profile on them. But i'm not getting paid so forget that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    check it out

    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Oral IGF? Please. If major pharmaceutical companies have not been able to do it, how could a research company accomplish this?

    It would probably take me a few days of research/writing to make a profile on them. But i'm not getting paid so forget that.
    *** has it, it's called oratropin(sp?) Which major pharmaceutical companies are interested in making it, it has not even been FDA approved for human use yet. Either way, check it out, many of the guys in the forum over there have tried it.

    (No UG names in the open bro) -Gear
    Last edited by Gear; 06-29-2006 at 04:37 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I know *** makes it. I'm still quite skeptical of the product.

    (UG names in open) -Gear
    Last edited by Gear; 06-29-2006 at 04:38 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I haven't looked in a couple of weeks, but a handful of guys on another board were trying the HGH fragment with no success. As far as the MGF pegylated, I didn't even know it was out yet.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Hey, I hear the mice love it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing
    I haven't looked in a couple of weeks, but a handful of guys on another board were trying the HGH fragment with no success. As far as the MGF pegylated, I didn't even know it was out yet.
    Yes, I actually demo'd this product before it came out(2 amps). I did not see much of any results except that I sweated alot easier, I did feel as though my metabolism had been tweaked. As for worthwhile results, I think that this product needs to be used for a longer period of time just like HGH. Now the MGF is the same way IMO. I actually went through 5 vials of this stuff, the shit does work and I think long term cycling with IGf would create great results. The pegylated version will just make it last in the body up to a week, so you will have to adjust any IGF injection schedule accordingly.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    I know *** makes it. I'm still quite skeptical of the product.
    Yeah..the only ones getting results from *** products are those that get them for free.We have a MOD here who *** openly said(right in this forum) is a test subject and is given FREE product in return to say bias info on that given product.Oddly enough when that certain MOD saw the thread and saw his name in it,the thread was quickly deleted..Strange huh?

    So when you see certain ppl posting great results about a product,just because they have status on a board, means nothing.Most likely they are paid in some way to post that me on that ..seen it done alot.


    (No UG names) -Gear
    Last edited by Gear; 06-29-2006 at 04:40 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Yeah..the only ones getting results from I B E products are those that get them for free.We have a MOD here who I B E openly said(right in this forum) is a test subject and is given FREE product in return to say bias info on that given product.Oddly enough when that certain MOD saw the thread and saw his name in it,the thread was quickly deleted..Strange huh?

    So when you see certain ppl posting great results about a product,just because they have status on a board, means nothing.Most likely they are paid in some way to post that me on that ..seen it done alot.

    Exactly. Many higher-ups on these boards get kickbacks to pimp useless/over-hyped product.

    Mod: "I use robyablind-o-tropin all the time!" "It's good shit!, I gained 10lbs in 4 weeks!"

    Noob: "I've been using robyablind-o-tropin for the last 8 weeks and i've only gained 1lb! This is junk!"

    Mod: "Your diet and training is off! Robyablind-o-tropin is the best ever, thread locked!"

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    The Oratropin has been discussed here quite a while ago, and the MGF has also been discussed recently. As far as I know the oral IGF is something most don't find effective, but the MGF seems to impress more people. I was never "for" that Oratropin stuff anyway.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Yeah..the only ones getting results from *** products are those that get them for free.We have a MOD here who *** openly said(right in this forum) is a test subject and is given FREE product in return to say bias info on that given product.Oddly enough when that certain MOD saw the thread and saw his name in it,the thread was quickly deleted..Strange huh?

    So when you see certain ppl posting great results about a product,just because they have status on a board, means nothing.Most likely they are paid in some way to post that me on that ..seen it done alot.


    (No UG names) -Gear
    Nice to see you back on the board.

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