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Thread: What would 2-4IU Slin do for you?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    What would 2-4IU Slin do for you?

    Ok, I've used IGF-1 LR3 and I liked what I got from it. I've been reading and I see people suggesting running 10IU of slin, even for beginners. This seems like an aweful lot to me. I did see someone say to start at 4IU and up it 1IU a day till you hit 10 or you feel like you hit your limit.

    Never using slin, I'm not sure what to expect. What I'm looking to do is drop some BF and put on LBM. What time of day should Slin be run" Right after your workout? like 15 mins, after, correct? Then eat dextrose and protein like crazy and keep as much fat out of you intake as possible. Is this right?

    What I got from the readings is that you will be able to "use" more of the food that you eat, or build more muscle. Is this correct?

    I don't want to become diabetic but am interested in slin. I would have to get it OTC, so what type is the oTC called? This type acts longer than the controled type, or not? Would I get anything starting at 2IU, then 3 and maybe up to 4IU?

    I'm just not crazy about putting that much (8-10) into me until I am more comfortable with it's use. Will 2-4IU even do anything, or would it be more harmful than good?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    If you haven't read these 2 threads, it would be a good idea to read them,

    If you are trying to avoid fat gains, you might want to stay away from slin for now, use it when you're on a bulk cycle that way if you do gain some fat, it won't be that bad.


  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    start at 4IU and up it 1IU a day till you hit 10 or you feel like you hit your limit.
    That's excatly right. The commonly mentioned 10IU dose is just a guideline that beginners shouldn't exceed. However, as you mentioned, you should always start on a lower dose and ramp up. When should you stop? Stop by how your body reacts. If you are getting good enough results on 6IU then I see no reason why you would want to take anymore than that, but genereally speaking, most will get an effect from insulin anywhere between 7 - 10IU.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    Never using slin, I'm not sure what to expect.
    These are the things that you are more than likely to expect:
    * Hypoglycemia sides such as dizzyness, sweating, you may get the shakes too. This is normal when using insulin. You may also get hungry and feel sleepy.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    What I'm looking to do is drop some BF and put on LBM.
    Genereally speaking, it's very hard to drop BF and gain quality weight. IMO you should only do one at a time then the other. However, in your case, if you are after dropping BF, then I don't suggest you use insulin, especially if you are a beginner with slin. When insulin is in the picture the fat storage chances increase by far. This is the last thing you want when trying to loose BF. I wouldn't use slin when cutting unless you know excatly how much nutrients your body needs while slin is active, and you are more than likely not to know this considering you have never use insulin. So, if you want to drop BF, drop the slin.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    What time of day should Slin be run" Right after your workout? like 15 mins, after, correct?
    Insulin is most benefiting PWO, so that's the only time I would take insulin for now. Insulin can be benefiting at other times but PWO, but I won't get into that as you are new to slin therefore we'll start with the basics. So, as I said PWO only. Take your insulin immidietly after you finish training, don't wait.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    Then eat dextrose and protein like crazy and keep as much fat out of you intake as possible. Is this right?
    Don't go too stupid in regards to protein and carbs consumption, you have to remember, any excess nutrients will be stored as fat, that's why I said it's good to know how much nutrients your body needs so you don't experience fat storage. But yes, def dex and protein are the two main nutrients you should concentrate on while insulin is active, and no fats within this time.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    What I got from the readings is that you will be able to "use" more of the food that you eat, or build more muscle. Is this correct?
    Yes that's right, insulin will allow your body to absorb more nutrients than usual, that's why when we take protein, we take a little bit more than we usually do. This way we are taking advanatge of what insulin has to offer in regards to nutrients useage.

    As for building muscle and getting stronger, well you are more than likely to feel nothing when you use insulin, however, this doesn't mean insulin isn't doing what its supposed to do. Insulin will aid recovery which will enhance the process of gaining strength/size down the track, but it's certinly not something that happens right away

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    I don't want to become diabetic but am interested in slin.
    No one has proof that insulin can cause one to become diabetic. However, because we have no defenite answer for this, I don't like to take risks therefore I will use insulin with breaks, you never know. When one gives evidence stating insulin can't cause dependancy then I'll be a bit more relaxed and perhaps cycle it longer at one time than I usually do.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    I would have to get it OTC, so what type is the oTC called?
    There are many insulins around. The most common ones are Humalin R and Humalog. In terms of effectieveness they are both the same, but Humalog is recomended over Humalin R because its on-set time is faster and it's in your system for less time. This means Humalog is a lot more less of a hassle to use. I'm not sure if you can get Humalog OTC, I know in some countries you can get Humalin R OTC but unsure about Humalog mate. Perhaps we can bump this question for some one else?

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    IWould I get anything starting at 2IU, then 3 and maybe up to 4IU?
    In most cases, people won't get much of an effect until they reach the 6IU mark. However, everyone reacts differently so you won't know what dose suits you best until you try. Because everyone reacts differently, that's why we say start on a lower dose such as 3 - 4IU.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    I'm just not crazy about putting that much (8-10) into me until I am more comfortable with it's use.
    Fair enough, like I said, start on a low dose, ramp up by 1IU every workout and stop whenever you want.

    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper
    Will 2-4IU even do anything, or would it be more harmful than good?
    Once again, everyone reacts differently, but in most cases people will find that 2 - 4IU won't do much. I also think that dose can't be as harmfull either as its not a very high dose.

    All the best mate.

    Last edited by Gear; 06-29-2006 at 04:20 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    nice reply gear...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BHarper

    I'm just not crazy about putting that much (8-10) into me until I am more comfortable with it's use. Will 2-4IU even do anything, or would it be more harmful than good?
    It could kill you if you screw up...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by fred9
    nice reply gear...
    Amen to that


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Although I am also still new in this area, I will comment and add to Gear as to the fact that I've been using slin for 3 weeks now at a "safe" dosage of 2-4IU's at a time and am not yet confident that this has helped me gain any size whatsoever, as was expected. I must admit that every time I upped my dosage by even 1 unit, I was scared shit of any side effects happening and something going wrong, but I was always ok and made sure I consumed my dextroxe drink immediately with it (approx. 6-70 grams).
    Just my two cents on this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Amen to that
    Amen twice to that. That must have taken a lot of time to copy and paste all of those. It shows that Gear really cares and takes the time to lay it all out. Great Job.

  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2DaTop
    Although I am also still new in this area, I will comment and add to Gear as to the fact that I've been using slin for 3 weeks now at a "safe" dosage of 2-4IU's at a time and am not yet confident that this has helped me gain any size whatsoever, as was expected. I must admit that every time I upped my dosage by even 1 unit, I was scared shit of any side effects happening and something going wrong, but I was always ok and made sure I consumed my dextroxe drink immediately with it (approx. 6-70 grams).
    Just my two cents on this.
    Many people still get confused with what insulin really does. Even if you were taking higher doses, you're still more than likely not to gain any size or strength. A cycle of insulin isn't like a cycle of AAS. You do one cycle of AAS and you are very much more than likely to put on size, weight and gain strength. With insulin it's different. Insulin will aid in recovery which down the track can lead to gains such as weight and strength, but those gains certinly won't arrive straight away.


  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Amen twice to that. That must have taken a lot of time to copy and paste all of those. It shows that Gear really cares and takes the time to lay it all out. Great Job.
    Thanx bro


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