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  1. #1
    lifter76 is offline New Member
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    LR3-IGF for cutting betwen cycles??

    I am currently on a 12 week cutter. I will be wraping it up in 4 wks or so. My question is can I use LR3-IGF to drop some more fat after my cycle. I want to run it for 4 wks at 100mcg/ed..

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    LR3 IGF-1 is perfect for just that,and only that!......Loosing BF....

    100 mcgs ED is a great dose too.You can keep your carbs low and really drop some BF,but you will get a few headaches here in there due to the lower carbs coupled with LR3,but it's worth the headache(so to speak).


  3. #3
    lifter76 is offline New Member
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    will I have to worry about becoming catabolic?? and i was thinking 50 in the morning and 50 pwo. how does that sound???

  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    If you do 2 injections a day, with a good diet, you should be fine, so far as going catabolic goes.


  5. #5
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    2 injections is fine, 1 will suffice.

    LR3 is great for a drop in BF and a clutch agent in PCT.

  6. #6
    lifter76 is offline New Member
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    ok guys thanks for the input. here is my next question. I was gona run that 1gf for 1 month on 1 off for 8 months. my second option was gona be 2ius of gh ed for 8 months the kick it up to 4ius ed for 1 yr . which is a better option??? i know 2 ius wont cause much or any mucle but fat loss is the idea.

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    lifter76 is offline New Member
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  8. #8
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Define "better."

    So you want to know if IGF-1LR3 or GH should be used for "better" results? If fat loss is the main goal I would even be looking at either of these. IMO GH is much "better" if used in long term, LR3 is great for a short run so they work well synergistically. "Better" being used loosely and pertaining to more overall effects that GH carries along with it. Not just simply fat loss and/or LBM gain.

  9. #9
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Define "better."

    So you want to know if IGF-1LR3 or GH should be used for "better" results? If fat loss is the main goal I would even be looking at either of these. IMO GH is much "better" if used in long term, LR3 is great for a short run so they work well synergistically. "Better" being used loosely and pertaining to more overall effects that GH carries along with it. Not just simply fat loss and/or LBM gain.
    Good post jay..I agree..I also will say YOU NEED NOT SHOOT LR3 IGF-1 2xED..It has a half life well over 24 anyone tells you the half life is 6 hrs(like a certain someone in this thread does all the time) is full of shit and nothing more than a common fvkin thread parrot that knows absolutely nothing at all.


  10. #10
    TexN343's Avatar
    TexN343 is offline Associate Member
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    Yes the half life is 20-30hours depending on your body. One shot is all that is needed. I prefer injections in the muscle I worked out PWO. So if you worked out bis 50mcg in each bi. Some prefer prior to working out for the insane pumps but for me it caused too much and shortened my workouts. Also after I shoot I get sleepy so it's prefect for that power nap after PWO nutriotion. I like to start IGF the last week of a cycle to help solidfy my gains and really help from loosing as I PCT on top of an IGF cycle.

  11. #11
    lifter76 is offline New Member
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    My bad guys I should have been more specific. withe the term "better". So what do u guys think 2ius ed for 8 months or igf1-cycled for 8months??? thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    ss01 is offline Associate Member
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    I feel you will have BETTER results with the igf-1 1month ON/ 1 month OFF for 8 months than with GH 2iu ED for 8 months. IGF-1 increases the number of muscle cells, something that GH does not do much of. This primes you for more growth during your cycles on top of reducing the bodyfat.

    Have you ever used IGF-1? Many guys report superb recomposition at just 40mcg ED... I'm not at all convinced anyone actually needs 100mcg.

  13. #13
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    I'm not at all convinced anyone actually needs 100mcg.
    Have you ever sued IGF-1LR3? If so what feedback can you give on your results based on dose.

    My reason for asking is b/c with some people I feel 100mcg is necessary, like me.

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