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Thread: question about insulin use and cutting..

  1. #1

    question about insulin use and cutting..

    I am in week 10 of my first cycle ever and things are going great. I went from 180 to about 203-205 and have gained little body fat. Anyways, its almost time for me to begin cutting. I have a pretty solid diet BUT there is one thing I need to know. Insulin causes the body to store fat, and I just happen to be a diabetic which means I use insulin on a daily basis and usually take small amounts after each meal. The amount taken depends largely on how many carbs Ive ingested. I am probably around 17 percent BF and would like to get down to maybe 9 percent or 10 since Im looking for maximum definition. Since I take in more insulin than a normal individual, should I just reduce the carbs to make up for the amount of insulin I take in or what? I cant find ANYTHING on the net for my specific situation. If anyone thinks they can help or direct me to a site that has info on this subject, it would be greatly appreciated...

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Your situation is unique enough that you probably aren't going to find a good single stop place for an answer. Any endocrinologist you ask is going to tell you that you shouldn't be cycling. Any sports MD isn't going to have answers to dealing with a diabetic. Tough spot. Are you a type I or a type II diabetic? That would be the place to start and see if we can get you headed on the right track.
    Type 1...

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