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Thread: HGH + IGF-1 LR3 Cycle

  1. #1

    HGH + IGF-1 LR3 Cycle

    Hey Guys,

    I'm thinking about running a 6 month to a year cycle of HGH + IGF-1 LR3. The company that I am going to use for the HGH is going to be Genotropin.

    Here's how I will run my cycle for the HGH. I will be doing 5 On/2 Off

    Month 1: 2 IU's 5 days a week
    Month 2: 4 IU's 5 days a week
    Month 3: 6 IU's 5 Days a week
    Month 4: 8 IU's 5 days a week
    Month 5: 10 IU's 5 days a week
    Month 6: 12 IU's 5 days a week

    Now for the IGF-1 LR3. I cannot find anywhere to by it. Can some of you please assist me a website to buy some. Thanks!

    Here's how I will run my cycle for the IGF-1 LR3.

    Five weeks on: 40mcg PWO - 5 On/2 Off
    Take 5 weeks off:
    Five weeks on: 60mcg PWO - 60mcg in the morning on off days.
    Take five weeks off:
    Five weeks on: 80mcg PWO - 80mcg in the morning on off days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    There are a ton of sources out there, just have to look around. I know the board sponser sells it as well. If you had some more posts and time on the board you could use the PM feature to your advantage.

    Good Luck.

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