well bro's just want to start off with thanking all who take the time to read this and post.. I ended a cycle about 10months ago that killed my test levels. I did no pct thinking it was a small cycle and nothing would happen, to make a long story short i went to my doctor in september of 05 and had my blood work done it came back that my test was at 51 he told me the normal levels are between 175-700. After all these months i got my results back last week and am at 167 so he says thats great am almost normal, the problem is this i had no sex drive for a very long time and i dont want that to ever happen again. My doctor knows that i was on a cycle but told me never to do 1 again, this is were the problem comes in i love the life style and juice is 1 of the only things i really love. My question is this should i go ahead an start my cycle with proper pct at the end? should i be scared of this happening again? i love to be on a cycle but not more than my sex life, is it safe to say that if i do another cycle properly i should be okay, or can this happen again? Should i go to the endo and tell him what am going to do and have him monitor me through the cycle? Thank you bros for any help you can give me, i just want to be a health person and i know there is alot of great bro's out here that have been in my shoes...what should i do?