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Thread: young man with test problems..what to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State

    Unhappy young man with test problems..what to do?

    well bro's just want to start off with thanking all who take the time to read this and post.. I ended a cycle about 10months ago that killed my test levels. I did no pct thinking it was a small cycle and nothing would happen, to make a long story short i went to my doctor in september of 05 and had my blood work done it came back that my test was at 51 he told me the normal levels are between 175-700. After all these months i got my results back last week and am at 167 so he says thats great am almost normal, the problem is this i had no sex drive for a very long time and i dont want that to ever happen again. My doctor knows that i was on a cycle but told me never to do 1 again, this is were the problem comes in i love the life style and juice is 1 of the only things i really love. My question is this should i go ahead an start my cycle with proper pct at the end? should i be scared of this happening again? i love to be on a cycle but not more than my sex life, is it safe to say that if i do another cycle properly i should be okay, or can this happen again? Should i go to the endo and tell him what am going to do and have him monitor me through the cycle? Thank you bros for any help you can give me, i just want to be a health person and i know there is alot of great bro's out here that have been in my shoes...what should i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    Not really sure if you are asking in relation to HGH, IGF, and Insulin as that is where the thread is, but here are some things to consider. Before anyone here will be able to give you any useful advice, we will need to know your age, current level of fitness, and how long you have been seriously and religiously hitting the weights.

    In general though, I will tell you that if you are younger than your mid-20's, then what you have experienced is EXACTLY what many of us here warn against. If you are young, your endocrine system hasn't fully hit its stride. What a cycle at this point does is send the wrong signals to the body ... it says major presence of hormones, shut down endogenous production ... and many times it really never does rise as high as it would of if left alone, and it doesn't snap back as high as it was before you decided to cycle.

    The end result that I see many times are very young lifetime HRT patients as they shut themselves down with such blatant disregard to general health that their body doesn't ever snap back fully. Most people just don't really appreciate how complex your body's endocrine system is. It relies entirely on the inter-relations of many different hormones, and has its own checks and balances in the form of many different complex releases and shutting off of different chemicals triggering your hormone releases. When we de-rail these early enough in life, before they have really even fully established themselves, you pretty much set your body's own personal norm WAY below and off the mark it would have otherwise been.

    If on the other hand you are latter 20's on, then it is also true that you have to run a cycle intelligently to come out the other side alright, and you have to realize that it doesn't really take that much or that long to shut yourself down pretty hard. What is vital to success is carefully planning your cycle out up front ... get some feedback on it from some people who are vets .... and make sure you have EVERYTHING you need for both the cycle and PCT up front before the first injection.

    To your specific case (assuming your past your mid-20's), given you already are facing a sub-normal test level even after 10 months, I am not so sure it would be in your long-term best interest to consider a cycle right now. I would have a frank and honest discussion with your endocrinologist ... tell him you have goals of bodybuilding or powerlifting nature, and that you feel the need to run a few cycles before you achieve those goals .... and that you want his honest assessment of your condition with respect to long-term damage by running a few more cycles.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 07-07-2006 at 10:31 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    Thank you, i do think i posted this in the right place. I am 21 with about 5 cycles done and i've been lifting for about 5 years now, 3 of those non stop. I dont want to end up shuting down my body like that and becoming a hrt patient, thats why am here asking for advice. my doctor told me everything should go back up to normal and i should be okay but what scares me is that am not big on drinking, partying, drugs. The only thing i really love is the gym and a cycle or two a year, and i don't know if i should do another cycle ever again. What i really want to know is if you think i should go to an endo and have a talk with one about whats going on or will i waist my money. my doctor now is a general doc so he's not big on the steriod part. would an endo be able to answer all my questions? Thank you once again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    am sorry i meant to say i posted this in the wrong forum.

  5. #5
    You can still hit the gym hard. I wouldn't want to screw my system up and I'm glad I didn't get turned onto gear til 27yo. imo...wait another 4-5 years before jumping on again or consult an endoc. that can give you solid answers to how this situation as/will effect you now and down the road. Try focusing on learning diet as opposed to gear to try and focus your efforts in a positive way to something else like that. best of luck...i'm sure it's not a fun situation to have to be in let alone re-live.

  6. #6
    my example being diet is that after 12 years of lifting and only a year of using gear I have learned 1 valuable lesson. i can do all the lifting, cardio and gear I want but not knowing enought about diet, macros etc has held me back considerably towards reaching my goals. just a rant...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Sunshine State
    diet in my eyes is the most important factor in reaching your goals, and i do follow my meals the way the should i just love the feeling of a small cycle here and there. One thing is for sure i will not be touching another cycle till i have a doctors oppinion. I think for my next cycle am foing to do what a local BB told me to do which is to go to the doc and tell him what am going to do then come every few weeks and let hom do my blood work. he told me that if anything is wrong the doc can give me what ever i need leagaly...sounds like a win win situation for me...

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