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Thread: i Fake Sterostim 6mg from serono how can i tell?

  1. #1

    i Fake Sterostim 6mg from serono how can i tell?

    Theres two holograms- one side of box with serono name, also on instuctions inside everything sealed, two pallets on pallet with 7 vials of serostim and other pallet with 7 sterile diluent

    Never used this GH before, source says 100% but have to check, anyone have any inside info to spot fakes???

  2. #2
    Put on pregnancy test and see if it comes up positive. Otherwise take 30IU in one day and see if your hands go numb.. j/k don't do the second one LMAO
    -B D
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    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

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  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You can find pictures, look and compare. Or post pics.


  4. #4
    Sounds like you've got the real deal. Take out the actual Serostim vial label you should see holograms as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Giant you already received some useful info. The first thing you should do is pick up a pregnancy test then post some pics. That way yuo'll have 2 separate sources of information.

    Sounds like the real deal but cant be positive without a pic.

  6. #6
    I just posted pics of legit Serostim in the Picture Forum.

    Here's the link for you:


  7. #7
    I miss serostim I was so wonderful..

    Jino sucks compared to it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by GENTLE GIANT
    Theres two holograms- one side of box with serono name, also on instuctions inside everything sealed, two pallets on pallet with 7 vials of serostim and other pallet with 7 sterile diluent

    Never used this GH before, source says 100% but have to check, anyone have any inside info to spot fakes???
    I thought Serano make Saizen!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Jino sucks compared to it
    Dude I'm with you all day on that one BD.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    I thought Serano make Saizen!
    They do!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    I miss serostim I was so wonderful..

    Jino sucks compared to it
    Can you elaborate please,im curious why.

  11. #11
    I don't know bro.. it seems as either it is not made as well or as strong (which I don't know much about the making or structure of GH).


    It get degraded a bit due to shipping hot/cold temps up in the airplane.. also many times it probably sits around the DHL facility to be shipped and I've been to china.. it's not exactly cool up there, very hot and humid not to mention very poor country so most of the buildings don't have AC, especially not a DHL facility, only the rich have AC/cars etc up there.
    Due to all these things I feel as if it gets compromised during the time it leave the factory and hits the publics hands.
    JMO ofcourse.
    -B D
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    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    I don't know bro.. it seems as either it is not made as well or as strong (which I don't know much about the making or structure of GH).


    It get degraded a bit due to shipping hot/cold temps up in the airplane.. also many times it probably sits around the DHL facility to be shipped and I've been to china.. it's not exactly cool up there, very hot and humid not to mention very poor country so most of the buildings don't have AC, especially not a DHL facility, only the rich have AC/cars etc up there.
    Due to all these things I feel as if it gets compromised during the time it leave the factory and hits the publics hands.
    JMO ofcourse.
    I understand what you are saying, big problem really. Guess its just a chance so many of us have to take and keep our fingers crossed!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by GENTLE GIANT
    Theres two holograms- one side of box with serono name, also on instuctions inside everything sealed, two pallets on pallet with 7 vials of serostim and other pallet with 7 sterile diluent

    Never used this GH before, source says 100% but have to check, anyone have any inside info to spot fakes???
    Can you edit your spelling errors. If it is serano you should read the slip sheet.
    Serano makes the best of the best. It is not make from E-Coli like other
    GH products.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Can you edit your spelling errors. If it is serano you should read the slip sheet.
    Serano makes the best of the best. It is not make from E-Coli like other
    GH products.
    Bro give the guy a break. He had a spelling error. It is a BB board not English class. By the way, it's made not make. You should check your grammar before you criticize others.

  15. #15

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California

    Are you familiar with Serano? Saizen by Serano is not made with E-coli
    It does not have to be refigerated until reconstitution. You can leave
    it on the shelf for a couple of years or expiration date.

  17. #17
    I'd not chance it myself, pretty sure it says they have a patent on 1month shelf-life at room temperature if I remember correctly.
    Plus they look so pretty in the fridge all lined up.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Hotel California
    I keep mine in refigerator. I'm looking at slip sheet right now. Thats the reason
    I buy Saizen. Every other GH will go bad real fast and you just don't know what the shippers, middle men, are doing. With made in USA, dam I gonna
    pick up the phone and order some more. Sh!t every time some one tells me
    how nice they look all line up I just feel like I gotta order more.

    PS. Mine are next to the butter dish. Don't want them getting below 36 degrees. Take care.

  19. #19
    36degree Fahrenheit I assume right? That'd be hard to do in the fridge if you have temp control. These new generics are good so far except the design of the rubber stopper SUCKS, when you add water it shoots directly on the wafer and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Disappointed in the design of that, needs to change. possibly I can add air to compensate for the vacuum first and then add water, I'll have to try it tomorrow.

  20. #20
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    Hotel California
    Actually I wasn't refering to the generics. I was refering to Saizen. That's
    why I was confused about the spelling. Wasn't quite sure. There is such
    a demand and the patent's seem to be expiring all at the same time.

    I've had the same problem with adding BW to Saizen. You have to add air
    to BW first then you have 26 iu's of water,then inject into bottle and pull out needle only to get spray. Guess I'm going to half to suck air out first. Or add a little at a time. I usually reconstitute with a 3 cc 25 guage.

    Amazing difference between reconstituting Saizen as opposed to JIN. All that swirling, particles that seem to suspend forever. With Saizen once the water is in I never swirl, don't have to. Just tip bottle up side down. That it. All clear.

    That 36 degrees is low number. Slip sheet says 36 to 46 degrees. Avoiding freezing.

    This stuff is a great healer. I usually do EOD, seems to reduce sides to almost nothing. However, when I'm injured I go every day. Don't know how
    long you are supposed to do that?

  21. #21
    Good feedback Ufa.. Yea I was referring to Saizen at first then switched to talking about generic.. both should be similar on storage though.
    If I had a choice I'd get serano everytime, but that option isn't alway available

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Saizen® \somatropin (rONA origin) for injection] is a
    human growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology. Saizen® has 191 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 22,125 daltons. Its amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of human pituitary growth hormone. Saizen® is produced by a mammalian ceii line (mouse C 127) that has been modified by the addition of the human growth hormone gene.
    adore Reconstitution _ Saizen® lsomatropin (rDNA origin) for injection] should be stored at room
    temperature (15°- 300C!59° _86°F). Expiration dates are stated on the labels.
    filigr ReconstitutlQrl _ When reconstituted with the diluent provided, the reconstituted solution should be stored under refrigeration (2°_8°CI36°-46°F) for up to 14 days. Avoid freezing
    reconstituted vials of Saizen@


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