I just got blood work back from Oasis and while across the board I am healthy as a horse I do have oddly low IGF levels, 88 when for my age and sex I should be 115-307. I have to date never touched HGH or any of the IGF/MGF products on the market, while I have theoretically cycled AAS a bit. My thoughts are kind of all over the place on this, I fully intend to take the blood tests to my regular doc for his opinion to make sure I am not missing a possible pituitary issue that needs managed at another level. I am also thinking of doing an HGH program occasionally to raise my IGF levels. My thinking was to do a 30 week HGH program at 3iu /day going 5 on 2 off. Ramping up week one at 1 iu week two at 2iu and from week three on out 3 iu/day. From what I read this seems to be a proper protocol that will give me replacement dose with some gaining effects, is this thinking correct? Another question I have is will there be a period of heightened IGF levels following cessation of the HGH program?