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Thread: Wanting to understand hgh

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Wanting to understand hgh

    i read all the stickys on hgh still have some questions so first you should be on hgh for about 6months.

    Can you take it 5on then 2off or do you take it everyday.

    Also you take hgh will a different type of pin right, this able you to measure more accuratly then a regular pin?

    You prymid up right from 2iu a day to 5ius towards the end?

    How many iu do you need for a successful cycle 500 or more?

  2. #2
    Hardly the resident expert, but I'll take a stab:

    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    first you should be on hgh for about 6months.
    Many folks do not report noticable effects for 6-10 weeks, so 6 months seems to be a minimum goal for many folks, with up to a year often being suggested. Depends on dose, too, as there may be a risk of diabetes if taken too long/too high a dose.

    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    Can you take it 5on then 2off or do you take it everyday.
    5/2 or EOD are the most common. If you are taking higher doses, that is often split in 2 or even 3 a day. Generally the notion is to try to emulate the natural release pattern of "bursts" of HGH.

    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    Also you take hgh will a different type of pin right, this able you to measure more accuratly then a regular pin?
    Standard insulin pin seems most common. Is that what you mean (as opposed to AAS 3 ml or 5 m)? Or something else?l

    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    You prymid up right from 2iu a day to 5ius towards the end?

    How many iu do you need for a successful cycle 500 or more?
    Folks tend to ramp up to adjust to the sides. How much and how many depends on the goals and how you adapt to the sides. Lower doses (2-4IU) tend to be for anti-aging/fat loss, while higher than that tends to be for "pure" BB goals. Some folks have reported as much as 12-18IU doses, though the sticky suggests 0.028IU per KG (2.2lb) of total body weight, twice a day, EOD.

    Using the sticky and a 220lb man as an example, as I understand it (check my math please, as this is only an example and I'd not want you to take something on my word):

    6 months = 182 days/2 (EOD) = 91 days, or 182 doses at 2Xday.
    0.028X100KG = 2.8IU, taken 2Xday EOD or 182 doses = 509.6IU, add in at least 10% for pin loses, bottom of vial, etc. means you'd need at least 560 or so IU, I'd probably want 600IU to be safe.

    If you pay $3IU that's about $1800 + pins etc. - I'd budget $2K.
    Last edited by vermin; 07-21-2006 at 08:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    so when ordering its probally a good idea to get 1000ius
    I am on my cycle right now i am just thinking in the future, my goal is to get real big right now i am 6'4 250 12%bf and trying to put on more mass. I have heard reall good things about hgh.

    Vern thanks for the help i just needed a brief overview

  4. #4
    Np - good luck. Sounds like you are already a big dude, way to go. Stacking with AAS is what many folks do, esp. for BB results. By my math and using the sticky numbers you'd probably want to shoot for at least 6-7IU/day, esp. if you are even bigger by then.

    This stuff does spoil, though, so buying too much at once might save you a couple $ - unless you lose power or whatever and it all goes least that's the paranoid way I think.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    do you think that dropping 2000 on a hardcore hgh cycle is worth it. For 2k i could proabally get 3 to 4 cycles in.

  6. #6
    I'd ask around about that - and of course only you know how much that money means to you. I have been using HGH on the anti-aging level, and like it, but from what I have heard from most folks you'll get bigger faster at least for the first couple years of AAS if you focus on AAS. On the other hand, if the $ is not much to you and esp. if you are over 30 then you might want to go ahead and stack on the HGH.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    vern thanks for all the help i think i will get a few more cycles under my belt see how that works then go from there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    DOME there is an excellent book by Dr. Ronald Klatz (new) who also wrote
    Growing Young with HGH. He is currently President of Academy of Anti-Aging
    Medicine. You can pick it up on Amazon or e-bay. Answers all the questions.

  9. #9
    Is that book just AA, or BB too?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    DOME there is an excellent book by Dr. Ronald Klatz (new) who also wrote
    Growing Young with HGH. He is currently President of Academy of Anti-Aging
    Medicine. You can pick it up on Amazon or e-bay. Answers all the questions.

    ill probally pick it up its only like 7bucks

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