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Thread: IGF-1 LR3 - MG/IU Dosing Question

  1. #1

    IGF-1 LR3 - MG/IU Dosing Question


    I tried to search this but what I found was either not clear to me, or seemed to me to contradict what (I think) I know.

    While I know that IGF-1 LR3 is usually sold/dosed in mg/mcg units, what if you find it in IU? For HGH the conversion factor is 3, so the .8mg convert to 2.4IU. Looked at the other way, 500IU of HGH is therefore about 167mg.

    What about for IGF-1 LR3? I read (perhaps not correctly) the sticky from Sparkle and it seemed to imply that if you dilute 1mg with 1ml then that'd be 100IU - while yes, the syringe would read that way, I think IU is intended to be a measure of functional units like moles/molarity and thus it is not just a function of dilution (nor would the factor of 3 for HGH stand then, either).

    Any help here? TIA!

    Sorry if I missed the glaring thread that spells it all out for me...

  2. #2
    Interesting - not sure what to make of this, but evidently there is no correct answer to this.

    It turns out (for those who do no know this) that an IU is set arbitrarily and based on biological function. The standard sample assay is held by the WHO. They have one for IGF-1, but for IGF-1 LR3. Also, evidently, it can be "stuck" at the IU/bio activity level and may never be translated to any other units (or it might).

    From Wikipedia:
    "The precise definition of one IU differs from substance to substance and is established by international agreement. To define an IU of a substance, the Committee on Biological Standardization of the World Health Organization provides a reference preparation of the substance, (arbitrarily) sets the number of IUs contained in that preparation, and specifies a biological procedure to compare other preparations to the reference preparation. The goal here is that different preparations with the same biological effect will contain the same number of IUs."

    I checked the WHO lists of agents, and nothing for LR3.

    So vets out there, if you saw LR3 offered in IU instead of mg, what would you do?

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