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I have been on HGH now, generics out of China, for about 2 months. Started out at 2 IU/day and worked up to 6IU/day now. I have been having pain in my knees and left shoulder. I cant decide if the pain is due to the HGH or just my insane lifting. I havent been getting any other possible side effects lately, but did have the numbness in my hands about 1 month ago but thats gone now. I had been doing a heavy powerlifting cycle of training for 6 weeks when the pains started out, so I thought it was that. I have since used lower resistance/higher reps but the pain is still persisting. Now I am wondering if it might be the HGH.
For those of you that have experienced the joint pain from HGH, what does it feel like? Right now it feels like I have petallar tendonitis in both knees and an irritated rotator cuff in my left shoulder. The knee pain is totally limited to the tendon. I have also read that HGH helps to heal connective tissues like tendons and ligaments, so maybe cutting back on the HGH isnt a good idea? ANyhow, I reduced my intake to 5IU/day now to see what happens.