currently I am on a bulking cycle, I have kicked started with 50mg test suspension, 25mg dianabol injection and 50 mg anapolon injection a day as well as 300mg test enanthate, 350mg sustanon and 300mg deca a week and 4-6 iu of insulin subq prior to workouts, I have put on 3 kg in the first week and I am getting mad pumps during workouts, and now I wanna introduce 40-60mcg of IGF-1 LR3 a day but I was thinking about injecting time of the igf and the insulin, should I inject both together IM post workout, or should I give a bit of time between the igf and insulin shots, or should I just stick to injecting the insulin prior workout and then the igf post workout.
and is creatine and glutimine a must after workouts to see a better result.
By the way I will be dropping the test sus, the dbol and the anpolon after 4 weeks and increasing my weekly doses to 600mg test E, 700mg sus and 600mg deca.
Please give your opinion and share your experience.especially redbaron please