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Thread: IGFlr3 and insulin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    IGF-1 LR3 and insulin

    currently I am on a bulking cycle, I have kicked started with 50mg test suspension, 25mg dianabol injection and 50 mg anapolon injection a day as well as 300mg test enanthate, 350mg sustanon and 300mg deca a week and 4-6 iu of insulin subq prior to workouts, I have put on 3 kg in the first week and I am getting mad pumps during workouts, and now I wanna introduce 40-60mcg of IGF-1 LR3 a day but I was thinking about injecting time of the igf and the insulin, should I inject both together IM post workout, or should I give a bit of time between the igf and insulin shots, or should I just stick to injecting the insulin prior workout and then the igf post workout.
    and is creatine and glutimine a must after workouts to see a better result.
    By the way I will be dropping the test sus, the dbol and the anpolon after 4 weeks and increasing my weekly doses to 600mg test E, 700mg sus and 600mg deca.
    Please give your opinion and share your experience.especially redbaron please

    Last edited by aboulaly; 08-02-2006 at 07:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    come on people, hit me with your suggestions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    far from being an expert i can tell u for sure that administrating insulin prior to your workout is not a clever thing to do

    nor would it be beneficial

    you want to take your slin PWO for its anabolic and nutrient shuttling abilities that your body requires PWO

    takin it before - is asking for trouble - could EASILY go hypo

    also intramuscular injection is better IMO because you dont have to avoid fat for as long - 2 and a half hours if its humalog

    sub q - would be about 4 hours (or there abouts)

    IGF will increase insulin sensitivity leading to a higher chance of hypo

    and you will need more carbs to combat this

    it doesnt really sound like you are experienced with these 2 compounds so i would avoid using them together

    4 weeks slin followed by 4 weeks igf would be better if you are new to the compounds

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    agree with G - Force...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    yes this my first time with this 2 compounds but I do wanna use them, that's why I am asking for opinions on the best way to use them together. I really apreciate your advice but determination to experience with these 2 product still stands so if anyone can offer any kind of help on how to cycle the both would be much appreciated. Thanks again


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by aboulaly
    yes this my first time with this 2 compounds but I do wanna use them, that's why I am asking for opinions on the best way to use them together. I really apreciate your advice but determination to experience with these 2 product still stands so if anyone can offer any kind of help on how to cycle the both would be much appreciated. Thanks again

    If you insist on using them both together right now, do the IGF preworkout and the insulin postworkout. I did that and got nice results. Like G-force said, you should never use insulin before you work out, just after for all the reasons he said. When I ran the 2, I did 40mcg IGF before workout, and 10IU insulin post workout. I also did another 40mcg injection when I woke up in the morning. Not sure how much insulin you are using now, but be sure you know what you are doing there. When I did the 2 together, I felt like the IGF/insulin combo did have a very minor increase in the chances of me going hypo but it wasnt any problem at all for me at least. If you are running IGF I wouldnt do less than 60 mcg per day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by aboulaly
    yes this my first time with this 2 compounds but I do wanna use them, that's why I am asking for opinions on the best way to use them together. I really apreciate your advice but determination to experience with these 2 product still stands so if anyone can offer any kind of help on how to cycle the both would be much appreciated. Thanks again


    i think you will find i gave u advice on the best way to cycle them
    did you read my post fully?

    4 weeks slin followed by 4 weeks igf if it is your first time using them

    you dont want to use them together on your first run
    because you will not know how your body responds to the slin

    some people need 12g carbs per iu of slin to stay away from hypo - some people can get a way with 7g per iu

    if you add igf to the mix without knowing how u react you are askin for trouble imo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Last week i tried LR3 IGF-1.. @ 125 mcg/ ED... pwo.. shot with 10 IUs slin pwo... for 8 days.

    I shot 'em both at the same time.

    I'm on a restricted carb diet (contest prep) and did not have any hypo problems.. at all.

    My ratio of carbs-to-insulin is 5 gr per IU... Thus after shooting my slin and IGF pwo i had 50 grams of carbs, plus 60 gr protein.

    Then an hour later i had a meal with a slighter lower carb content.. Then 2 hours later i had a protein + vegetables meal.

    No signs of hypoglycemia


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Last week i tried LR3 IGF-1.. @ 125 mcg/ ED... pwo.. shot with 10 IUs slin pwo... for 8 days.

    I shot 'em both at the same time.

    I'm on a restricted carb diet (contest prep) and did not have any hypo problems.. at all.

    My ratio of carbs-to-insulin is 5 gr per IU... Thus after shooting my slin and IGF pwo i had 50 grams of carbs, plus 60 gr protein.

    Then an hour later i had a meal with a slighter lower carb content.. Then 2 hours later i had a protein + vegetables meal.

    No signs of hypoglycemia


    so u are advising him to shoot them both at the same time on his first run?

    surely not nark - i know u are experienced with these compounds but the guy in question is not

    everyone's different - i know if i shot them both with 5g per iu - i would be in a coma

    he needs to see how his body react first by starting off slowly

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    with my current AAS cycle i have been cycling Slin and GH, GH and IGF-1LR3 4 weeks on 4 weeks off with some great results....i am sure G-Force can attest the size i have gained

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    with my current AAS cycle i have been cycling Slin and GH, GH and IGF-1LR3 4 weeks on 4 weeks off with some great results....i am sure G-Force can attest the size i have gained

    you definitely aint small dude

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    guys thanks alot for all your input I really apreciate it.
    today I took your advice and shot 6ius insulin IM postworkout, then 10 minutes later I had a dextrose drink of 75g and 10gr glutimine then 10 minutes later I had a protein shake 80gr with water and now after 1 hour from injection I am about to have tuna, it feels good and I wasn't as worried as before when I was injecting preworkout.
    next week I will be introducing the 40mcg igf right before my workout and 10ius insulin post, but I got to tell you I am loving it already as I am seeing result quickly, I am sure I will be stacking some fat on but that's not an issue as I will be using DNP once I am done.
    Again thanks alot guys for putting me on the right track.

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