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Thread: 5/2 vs EOD

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    5/2 vs EOD

    I have done 5/2 for about 4 months. I am thinking of switching to eod for a change. My thought is to change from 4iu 5/2 to 6 eod. Anyone experience better or worse gains with EOD.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    imo its the weekly total of iu's that matters instead of the way of administration.


  3. #3
    In my experience 5/2 is better than eod, as rodge said the weekly total is what really matters!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I am assuming you guys are talking about HGH right?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    I am assuming you guys are talking about HGH right?
    mmmm yes.....good point! Well I was, Rodge?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    yeah.. me too.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    i have had better results since starting a EOD protocol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    I have better results with ED... go big or go home...

  9. #9
    4IU 5/2 is 40IU in two weeks - 5.7 EOD (7 injections in 2 weeks) to run the same dose.

    Just a quick math check, in case it might cause you to run out!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I have better results with ED... go big or go home...
    I agree. If you cant afford it lower your dose and do ed

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I agree. If you cant afford it lower your dose and do ed
    I don't pay for my GH... buy 5 kits for a good price... sell 3-4 of them at a slight mark up and pay for the 1-2 kits you keep... I do 5IU/ED... I'm gonna start using brown tops and do 8IU/ED but in all honesty don't know how that will go... right now the side effects are pretty bad as is but I'll deal... is every day use really worse than 5/2??? because I'm 22 and started a few months ago... wonder if it's gonna have a negative result... we'll just have to see...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I have better results with ED... go big or go home...
    better results than when you did EOD??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    better results than when you did EOD??
    Never done EOD but I can't imagine it would be better than ED... and I have done 5/2 but with my 6 day training schedule and varying off days I prefer to just use it every day...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    Never done EOD but I can't imagine it would be better than ED... and I have done 5/2 but with my 6 day training schedule and varying off days I prefer to just use it every day...
    that is fair enough that you choose to use ED but how can you say it is better than a higher dose eod if you have never used it??....not arguing just wondering Bro....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    I don't pay for my GH... buy 5 kits for a good price... sell 3-4 of them at a slight mark up and pay for the 1-2 kits you keep... I do 5IU/ED... I'm gonna start using brown tops and do 8IU/ED but in all honesty don't know how that will go... right now the side effects are pretty bad as is but I'll deal... is every day use really worse than 5/2??? because I'm 22 and started a few months ago... wonder if it's gonna have a negative result... we'll just have to see...
    What do you mean by a negative result? More side effects? I definitely am seeing better results for ed than 5/2

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    better results than when you did EOD??
    Better results than when I did 5/2 Have you tried ED?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    last year for 4months in the off season i used ed injections at 5iu's ed.
    for the last 10 weeks i have been using 10iu's eod the gains have been better and the sides less...

    all i am saying is that how can you as an individual slate the EOD method if you have not tried it yourself??

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I just started ED. what is the reasoning behind 5/2 or EOD. Is it just to save cash or is it good to have a little off time every week.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    last year for 4months in the off season i used ed injections at 5iu's ed.
    for the last 10 weeks i have been using 10iu's eod the gains have been better and the sides less...

    all i am saying is that how can you as an individual slate the EOD method if you have not tried it yourself??

    wo wo wo there tiger.... so can you do me a favor and please tell me when I slated EOD method??? or better yet when I made ANY comment about it at all... (other than stating i couldn't imagine it being better... never saying it wasn't)
    I said I liked ED better than 5/2... so let's not jump to any conclusions here or look to start an argument...
    Last edited by 100%NATURAL-theGH; 08-06-2006 at 05:11 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    I've done GH every day, every other day 5/2. 6/1, 7/7. Sometimes
    I get sides and they suck. When I go EOD am & afternoon. The
    sides seem to go away. Because the IGF levels are elevated it
    seems that EOD seems best.

    The more important questions is "how good is your GH?"

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    I've done GH every day, every other day 5/2. 6/1, 7/7. Sometimes
    I get sides and they suck. When I go EOD am & afternoon. The
    sides seem to go away. Because the IGF levels are elevated it
    seems that EOD seems best.

    The more important questions is "how good is your GH?"
    Alright I'm not against this idea... always looking to learn... you would think like AS you want steady blood levels or atleast semi regular but it's not really possible with GH so that goes out the window... now what did you say you like to do??? EOD am and afternoon??? You do 2 shots every other day??? so you inject in the morning and at night on one day.... then nothing the next??? and reasoning for this being higher IGF levels???? is that right??? Don't you benefit from using it ED though??? Trying to make sense of this... help me out here..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH
    wo wo wo there tiger.... so can you do me a favor and please tell me when I slated EOD method??? or better yet when I made ANY comment about it at all... (other than stating i couldn't imagine it being better... never saying it wasn't)
    I said I liked ED better than 5/2... so let's not jump to any conclusions here or look to start an argument...
    ok so my wording was off but you did say
    Never done EOD but I can't imagine it would be better than ED...
    all i am saying is that how can you comment on a method if you have not tried it....

    and as i said in a previous thread i ain't arguing just asking that all......

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    ok so my wording was off but you did say all i am saying is that how can you comment on a method if you have not tried it....

    and as i said in a previous thread i ain't arguing just asking that all......
    For one... shut the **** up... I can comment if I want to... all I said was "I can't imagine"... meaning without experience my belief would be... that every day would be more effective... not that I know this for a fact of believe it from first hand experience so based on what I put it forth as... which was as a belief... I can say whatever the hell I want to... why don't you go pester someone else... I really don't appreciate you pushing this mute point this far.. you should have left it alone.. I won't contribute to this waste of forum space again...

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I just started ED. what is the reasoning behind 5/2 or EOD. Is it just to save cash or is it good to have a little off time every week.
    The initial idea came (I think) from trials that show in the very long term (2-4 years) children treated with HGH get more benefit from an EOD than an ED treatment. Plus, like with pretty much any more or less natural substance the human physiology has feedback loops to inhibit natural production in the presence of increased blood levels, such as from exogenous substance. Finally, the stuff is short-lived and naturally occurs in pulsatile, and possibly irregular releases, so the notion is to perhaps mimic how the body normally sees the compound.

    The thing is, kids have natural amounts of GH much in excess of adults, so if those kid studies apply to adults is iffy.

    In addition, many folks who experience sides from HGH report that some sort of break helps alleviate this, with EOD perhaps being the system with the least sides. So if you get sides with 3 IU ED, then 4-4.5IU 5/2 might be better, with 6 EOD (usually as 2 hits of 3IU through the day) being better still.

    And while folks keep bringing up the "saves money" thing, I can't see how, because how often you take it and how much you take are independent of one another (in a sense), and it is how much you take that determines how much it costs.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    ok so my wording was off but you did say all i am saying is that how can you comment on a method if you have not tried it....

    and as i said in a previous thread i ain't arguing just asking that all......
    He made it clear that he never tried and that it is what he imagines. So he wouldn't have mislead anyone reading this thread. What is the problem. Everythinmg you ever commented o an any board you have done personally?

    Sometimes people whine more then a 5 year old on the playground.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    He made it clear that he never tried and that it is what he imagines. So he wouldn't have mislead anyone reading this thread. What is the problem. Everythinmg you ever commented o an any board you have done personally?
    so all my post's are personel, gixxerboy why don't you give me an example ? i don't know who you are and to be honest i don't give a sh1t either but why are you sticking your oar in any how....and yes you are correct you seem to whine more than a 5 yr old in a playground...

    Natural - for some reason you have taken this personelly don't see why all i said was that you cannot comment on a method you have never done but hey if you want to comment you go ahead wouldn't want you to get any more upset....
    Last edited by pscarb; 08-07-2006 at 03:07 AM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    So if im not experiencing sides then ED is cool. but if i get sides then try EOD. What is the point of 5/2 then?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yes thats about right in my opinion the main reason for 5/2 is to save cash...

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    So if im not experiencing sides then ED is cool. but if i get sides then try EOD. What is the point of 5/2 then?

    Most advocates of 5/2 say they do it to prevent shut down of their own natural GH... that's theory... I haven't read any science to back it up but based on AS use it makes sense... but we aren't talking anabolics here and with such a short half life in the body you would think even using it ED you would still have times at which your body will produce it's own.. atleast at 22 I'm hoping so because I don't want to be on this stuff for the rest of my life.... or do i... ?? From everything I've read I like using it ED... sure I haven't used all the others but I don't have-to to have an educated "opinion", which is all most of us really have even after years and years of use... there aren't many of us that have full labs in our bathrooms to do the necessary blood work on a daily basis to really see what is going on...

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    I thinks we are over thinking this. GH is a healer. I've only been talking GH
    for a year so I am no expert. However, I've got great resultes no matter
    when I did it. I don't think it's important to keep to a tight schedule. It
    just heals. By the way I just went back to 5/2. When I do EOD, I don't
    do it a night. I think this might prevent my own system from making it's
    own GH. Early am & early afternoon. No food one hour before & after
    with the exception for protien. I think it's great to try different products.
    You get feeling just by looking at the plug and how long it takes to
    reconstitute as to how good the product is.

    I think the 5/2 protocol came into play when 2 months on 1month off
    was standard. There was a feeling that it was necessary to keep your
    system producing it's own GH. The new theory is that it just doesn't
    matter. So ED is OK. The EOD is cool because you do twice as much.
    Because you do am & afternoon it stays in your system almost all day.
    Remember the half life of sub-1 is about 90 minutes.

    No need to argue about the horse race until the race is over.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    albuquerque, nm
    Ufa makes sense. Its mostly a matter of individual prefrence based on one's own experience. I am using 5/2. Its kind of an arbitrary choice. I may try other dosing schedules later. Since we are all unique individuals, what suits one may not suit all. If Roge is correct and total weekly dose is the most important factor, then whats the fuss?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    so all my post's are personel, gixxerboy why don't you give me an example ? i don't know who you are and to be honest i don't give a sh1t either but why are you sticking your oar in any how....and yes you are correct you seem to whine more than a 5 yr old in a playground...

    Natural - for some reason you have taken this personelly don't see why all i said was that you cannot comment on a method you have never done but hey if you want to comment you go ahead wouldn't want you to get any more upset....
    Because it seems a lot of thread on this board turn in to bitching between a couple members and it gets away from the original question answered. This time it did at least stick to the topic. Natural gave his opinion what was the problem? I asked you never commented on a thread where you never took the aas personally in the same way?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Because it seems a lot of thread on this board turn in to bitching between a couple members and it gets away from the original question answered. This time it did at least stick to the topic. ?
    i agree topics do sometimes get off topic by the way of arguing...

    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Natural gave his opinion what was the problem??
    No problem what so ever but i just wanted to know how you can have an opinion about a method if you have never used that method , my question was asked innocently i had no ulteria motive to attack Natural...
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I asked you never commented on a thread where you never took the aas personally in the same way?
    I don't comment on any thing i have never used myself or had guys use who i prep for shows only because if you never used it yourself i don't think you can have a true basis for an opinion.
    this is why i don't casually comment on all threads...

    sorry if my post's have caused offence to you or Natural as this was not my intention...

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    [QUOTE=Ufa]I've done GH every day, every other day 5/2. 6/1, 7/7. Sometimes
    I get sides and they suck. When I go EOD am & afternoon. The
    sides seem to go away. QUOTE]

    what sides are u experiencing?

    i am upto 12 iu's EOD now - and climbing - and have had no noticeable sides
    other than the occasional numb hands when waking

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    [QUOTE=pscarb]I don't comment on any thing i have never used myself or had guys use who i prep for shows only because if you never used it yourself i don't think you can have a true basis for an opinion.
    this is why i don't casually comment on all threads...
    No hard feelins bud. I agree with you but i thought you were trying to saying even if prepped a guy you shouldnt comment. Sorry if i took it the wrong way.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    no probs mate..sometimes the true meaning of a post does not come across when read on a board...

    i have been in this game along time i also compete at national and universe level but still i don't know everything and learn each day from members that have tried methods themselves...

    I have been giving the EOD method a try with GH and found it to be very good i cannot truly say it is better than the ED method unless i use the exact same AAS and IGF cycle...both methods in my opinion have their place and lets be honest GH is GH any method of use is better than not using it....

    i will be down at your gym in the next 2 weeks to train legs fancy jumping in....

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by pscarb
    i will be down at your gym in the next 2 weeks to train legs fancy jumping in....
    as long as its a thur or a fri i'm in

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    thursday it is mate...but why those 2 days is it because you do aerobics on the other days

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