Hey whats up? I was wondering has any one tried MGF ? and what kind of results did U get? I would be interested in hearing rodges results, and is it true that U get sight specific results.
Hey whats up? I was wondering has any one tried MGF ? and what kind of results did U get? I would be interested in hearing rodges results, and is it true that U get sight specific results.
use your search buttom. there as been a few log in this forum that would answer your question.
yes there are a few logs around here but they answer not much questions imo. or they did'nt put much time in there log or they were'nt too impressed with the mgf. so when i give it a go i will make a day to day log with all the neccesary measurements weekly to see if and what it does to body composition.
btw how are things going Mr.Ment1on? great new avatar
Guys, MGF works and works very well if applied correctly.Due to MGF's short active life from 24 hours, you could also inject MGF on muscles you are planning on exercising at least 12 hours before a work out more likely the night before the day you are going to work out htose muscles you injected the MGF.
For best results inject IGF-1 post work out on the same muscles you injected MGF the night before or 12 hours earlier.
Oh yeah..at least 200mcgs total.
I find this to be the easiest way of admnistering MGF and still make the best of it.
Crazy pumps and local growthcan't complain.
Originally Posted by steroid-peptides
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