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Thread: please help .. need a quick response.. long igf 1 question

  1. #1

    please help .. need a quick response.. long igf 1 question

    Ok so i just recieved my Long R3 IGF1 and put in the 1mm of HCL ... and went to use the BA water as a buffer .. (it was already in the slin needle) and i stuck it IGF bottle - and stupid me forgot to release the vaccum .. SO now there is 1mm/cc whatever of hcl and .1 of BA water.... am I F**ked ??? i heard that once the BA water hits it .. the half life is destroyed .... but the thing is .. the HCL was already in it .. please advise .. thanks ..

  2. #2
    anyone ? ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Cant answer your question,you probably want help from from more knowledgable bros anyways,but I was wondering if you got your IGF from the sponsor here on AR?(can i ask that?) ........ JUst wondering cuz Im thinking about ordering from there and didnt know if it came with acetic acid or what,u said HCL,didnt know if it made a difference?..good luck,i hope your stuff is okay

  4. #4
    come on ....

  5. #5
    2 days now .................

  6. #6
    4 days ....... i cant believe no one knows this ....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Believe it or not...up to you. Suggest you:
    1) Get in contact with your source and ask
    2) Throw it away or
    3) Use it

    Whatever....just move on.

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