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Thread: After reading the New A. Roberts Peptide article....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    After reading the New A. Roberts Peptide article....

    After reading the new article written by Anthony Roberts on peptides and how technically MGF used with IGF would produce better results than GH alone...does anyone really buy into this, or do we just have a big marketing game now? I am in no way doubting Roberts, as he has been very good about responding to my emails with various questions and hes a genius, im just curious as to who will now jump on the MGF/IGF bandwagon, i would be willing to give it a fair trial if i had the funds to back it!.... and if any GH users will now invest their money towards those newer products? any comments are welcome...
    Last edited by Random; 08-24-2006 at 10:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    What "results" are you looking for?

    It's not clear to me that Mr. Anthony has anything to gain personally from "marketing" IGF/MGF. So I don't know why he would inflate the value.

    I've picked on him for not finding out real results....but on the other hand he didn't make a bunch of them up either.

    Why not sit back, and wait and see what trickles in from actual users, then make up your mind?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well, as a competitive bodybuilder im looking to advance my physique to the furthest extent without bringin on harm to my organs...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Well, as a competitive bodybuilder im looking to advance my physique to the furthest extent without bringin on harm to my organs...
    I imagine Mr. Roberts is accuratly reporting what the people who use the stuff have told him and he has drawn certain conclusions, basically the mgf/igf combo is the best thing since sliced bread for localized muscle gain. The most fundamental problem is that there is little or no rigorous clinical research on the stuff for body building. I am not seeing anything out there that is much better than Anthony Roberts informed opinion.

    So here it is: 1)some body builders report real good results, 2) no reports of real bad things happening have come out, therefore give it a shot and see how it works for you.

    In any event thats what I would consider doing if I was a competitive body builder.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I am not seeing anything out there that is much better than Anthony Roberts informed opinion.
    I agree with this, sometimes its fun being the guinea pig, until you realize you're throwing your hard-earned money away, but i like to be optimistic as i usually experience great effects with minimal compounds, ill for sure keep a log and post it when i decide to use MGF....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    i love how it went from hooker to Mr Roberts.. knowledge gets you respect and hooker has plenty of both in this game..

    as far as all these peptides go id rather wait a few years before jumping on the band wagon ... seems like a hype that wont last long but then again i havent researched much on them... nothing wrong with keeping it simple

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yea good points man, at this point i think IGF can benefit anyone, but MGF is probably more for the more competitive bodybuilders, im definitely willing to give it 2-4wks....soon ill have a log

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    i love how it went from hooker to Mr Roberts.. knowledge gets you respect and hooker has plenty of both in this game..
    I try to treat everybody with respect; I don't always succeed, but I try.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    i love how it went from hooker to Mr Roberts.. knowledge gets you respect and hooker has plenty of both in this game..

    as far as all these peptides go id rather wait a few years before jumping on the band wagon ... seems like a hype that wont last long but then again i havent researched much on them... nothing wrong with keeping it simple
    Actually, Robert is my middle name. Funny story, but when I started writing about steroids, I used my first and middle name, because I was still teaching high school at the time, and didn't want to lose my job teaching because I was writing about steroids.

    My actual last name is "Connors", but since I started out my career writing as "Roberts" and when I go to seminars, all of my colleagues know my real name, but are so used to calling me "Roberts" instead of my first name, it just kind of stuck, to the point where half of my friends call me Roberts (or "A-Rob") now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    My actual last name is "Connors", but since I started out my career writing as "Roberts" and when I go to seminars, all of my colleagues know my real name, but are so used to calling me "Roberts" instead of my first name, it just kind of stuck, to the point where half of my friends call me Roberts (or "A-Rob") now.
    Hey keep it up man its always good to read your work! ...CD

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Actually, Robert is my middle name. Funny story, but when I started writing about steroids, I used my first and middle name, because I was still teaching high school at the time, and didn't want to lose my job teaching because I was writing about steroids.

    My actual last name is "Connors", but since I started out my career writing as "Roberts" and when I go to seminars, all of my colleagues know my real name, but are so used to calling me "Roberts" instead of my first name, it just kind of stuck, to the point where half of my friends call me Roberts (or "A-Rob") now.
    Agh, a fellow teacher. I teach high school chemistry and biology. Just curious as to what you used to teach.

  12. #12
    I was a substitute teacher in the HighSchool that I used to go to, then I moved to New Zealand, where I taught English, then I came back to the 'States, and worked in a School for Emotionally Handicapped kids, eventually being in charge of teaching both Science and Health, but technically my title was "Crisis Worker" because of the nature of the school.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I was a substitute teacher in the HighSchool that I used to go to, then I moved to New Zealand, where I taught English, then I came back to the 'States, and worked in a School for Emotionally Handicapped kids, eventually being in charge of teaching both Science and Health, but technically my title was "Crisis Worker" because of the nature of the school.
    Sounds like a tough job for sure. I hope your class size was small! I have a friend that ended up teaching at an "alternative school", one reserved for kids at risk, and he seemed to like it. I know he liked that they got off school around 1:00 PM so that the kids could go work jobs, made for a short workday.
    Great to see a teacher that has branched off into another career. Im thinking about doing the same.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    Sounds like a tough job for sure. I hope your class size was small! I have a friend that ended up teaching at an "alternative school", one reserved for kids at risk, and he seemed to like it. I know he liked that they got off school around 1:00 PM so that the kids could go work jobs, made for a short workday.
    Great to see a teacher that has branched off into another career. Im thinking about doing the same.
    I like to think that I'm still teaching, actually...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I like to think that I'm still teaching, actually...
    you definitely still are..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I like to think that I'm still teaching, actually...

    Good point to be made. Nice to have someone out there that is objective about issues reguarding AAS.

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