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Thread: PWO Insulin?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Brisbane Australia

    PWO Insulin?

    Hey guys wondering if you can help..... I have used Humalog Insulin before and just want to know if I have everything in place to make it as successful as possible. Here are all the stats of my next cycle and planned use.

    1-10 test e 750mg ew
    1-6 Drol 70mg ed
    1-4 Slin 10iu pwo
    6-10 Slin 10iu pwo

    4000 cals ed.
    Pin in quad imidiately pwo 10ius Humalog (fast acting).
    20mins after pwo slin 70g protien shake 75g carbs white rice.
    Training days only! 4 days a week, pm training.
    No fat in diet till following morning.

    Thanks for all your help, any comments appreciated!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    in the garage

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Brisbane Australia
    Thanks but that is not what I asked, I have read that before but as always opinions are just as productive with experience. Maybe you have no experience im not sure but thanks for the link! Now back to square one and ill make it even more simple......... does anyone WITH EXPERIENCE have any helpful info for me to improve what I am currently planning to do or is it absolutly 100% perfect

    Thanks again,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    in the undertow
    ive used slin in the past and not havinmg any fat after the shot and the period its active is the way to go, PWO is also. I think your plan is great long after the shot do you go to bed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Brisbane Australia
    Thanks for your help mate, I go to bed three hours after my shot.. never been hypo so should be sweet! I just start to fade at about 20mins pwo after shot then start shoveling that food!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Do you really need 2 threads on the same topic?

    THe only thing I would really change Noddy is to get a simple carb in immediately PWO. Then eat your PWO meal containing your complex carbs if that's what you choose. With Humalogs quick onset time you want a more immediate source of glucose rather then a complex carb that still has to get broken down.

    Nice to see you can get away with that carb source at 7.5g per 1iu as well. Some peoples tolerance are higher then others....

    I'm on 10iu now and comsume 100g of Malt with 60g of Protein the minute after I shoot and drink that on the way home. Then about 45 minutes after that I'll have my full meal. Seems you havent had any episodes with Hypo as I dont either so keep doing what you're doing if that works for you buddy...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Brisbane Australia
    Thanks for the possitive comments dude! Yeah at 7.5 per 1iu it only just keeps sain, any less and I start to slip a little. I dont have room in my diet to consume any more than my pwo carbs so cant add to my ppwo. I only have 20% of 4000cals which is a total of 190g.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by noddy1
    I only have 20% of 4000cals which is a total of 190g.
    That's it huh? What's your total macro ratio?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Brisbane Australia
    3905cal ed

    40% protien = 395g

    40% fat = 174g

    20% carb = 189g

    5'7 180lbs 10%

    What do you think??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by noddy1
    What do you think??
    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm it all depends. LOL, that's my signature answer....

    Depends what you're looking for and where you're at as far as goals, I didnt see any mentioned. If you want a serious critique on this post it up in the diet forum adding your current stats and goals. I would love to take a crack at this but dont like to get too far off the topic of discussion keeping the forum title in mind.

    When and if you do that copy and paste the likn in here for others that wish to follow/comment..

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