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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Does body weight affect IGF-1 dosage?

    Just a kick question regarding whether or not a person over 275lb of relative lean mass needs to use more IGF-1 than someone who is 175lbs? Any educated input would great on the subject. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    I would say it is an individual proposition to be sure, but I am not sure we can tie it directly to weight alone.

    I know athletes that have almost unbearable lethargy and painful pumps at relatively low doses of LR3 ... I also know some that don't feel a thing at all at doses under 100mcgs per day. I am one of those 270 pounders, and I know in general terms I use a lot more of everything (AAS, peptides, etc.) than some others. With respect to LR3 though, you should begin feeling something at about day 10. If you don't, then your dose isn't high enough. If you are getting your butt kicked from day one and aren't able to function normally (lethargy, extreme gastric distress, pumps to the point of interfering with workouts, etc.) then your dose is probably too high.

    The best advice is to begin with a respectible dose (60-80mcgs), run it for 10 days, then re-evaluate. If you are feeling nothing, bump it up to 100mcgs. I personally find for me anyway that 100-120mcgs does about all that LR3 is going to do for me. I have ran it as high as 250mcgs a day just as a test ... nothing really significant to report of note above the 100-120mcg dose ... other than some more aggressive combating of sides and a much larger hole in the pocketbook.

    The things to look out for are fat loss while holding scale weight, day-long lasting pumps, great muscle fullness, and an overall sense of well-being. If you are seeing those things, that is about what you can expect from your cycle of LR3. A little experimentation should get you to the dose that these things happen for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    thanks for the response man

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hey RED, do you dose LR3 BID or QD? My dosing regime is going to be as follow 50mcg (8am) sub Q, and 50mcgs (PWO BILATERALLY(8pm)). For a total of 100mcgs per day while taking advantage of both injecting techniques, since I have heard more drastic fat loss from sub q injections. Let me know your throughts.

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