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  1. #1
    rodosman's Avatar
    rodosman is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Just got 4000mcgs of HGH-Fragment

    I had a couple of questions. The instructions call for an IM injection, is this correct or should i shoot subQ. Also, if it were IM then could I still rotate shots say delts, quads, tris or something like that, even if I am using the slin pin. I plan on running this for 4 weeks, but may do it longer if I see good results. Any guidance would be appreciated. Would a fat burner such as ephdra help out? Or just run the hgh frag by itself. Stay tuned cuz I will be writing a daily log of my training and results.

    Stats: Age:28
    Weight: 201
    Height: 5'11''
    BF% 15-16%

  2. #2
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Definitely run it with Sub-q wife is on it now...its day 9 for her...not sure if shes seen any fatloss, but im optimistic especially with lions products....CD

  3. #3
    rodosman's Avatar
    rodosman is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2005
    Would it be beneficial to run it with plain old gh too. I think this might help my cause of leaning out, but I will not really know if the hgh fragment is doing its part.

  4. #4
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Dec 2002
    Yea that seems like overkill to me....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Has your wife seen and drop in Weight yet. I still haven't started yet./ I have received a email from a guy who have lost alot in a short time. I need to loose 30 pound. THe doc dtold me this week I have high Blood pressure.

  6. #6
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Has your wife seen and drop in Weight yet
    I dont think so , we have 2 sets of pics, will compare again, kinda getting worried though...almost out of the bottle...

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