6mg 18 iu vials from metragen
this is the gh im getting. when i di a search on here not too much feedback comes up. anyone have experience with it??
6mg 18 iu vials from metragen
this is the gh im getting. when i di a search on here not too much feedback comes up. anyone have experience with it??
Last edited by da wiz; 10-18-2006 at 04:57 PM.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm never heard of Metragen. I"m assuming this is a US generic correct?
I've heard of a few US generics that come in similar vials with different names.
yes they are a local "stay young" pharmacy.
Any luck with the lab? I am between them and a few other labs.
well i ordered it and it showed up. i was going to a different one but these guys prices were alot better.
Curious how thats working out for you? I too live near metragen and I am being hounded to purchase the HGH as well as other gear from 'em. Before they we're Metragen they we're called Power Medica and I started HGH through 'em. Well three months worth we're what I had then they we're raided and shut down. So I discontinued the use after 2 months and hooked my bud up with the remaining months worth I had. I didnt feel anything at 3IU's 5/2 and to tell you the truth I didnt expect to being they themselves say you wont fell anything for 6 months. Well after surfing this board now for a while I see peeps start getting results after a few weeks on the Jin, Hyg etc. etc. I was also getting red welts and bruises from injections with their HGH. Now that it has changed names I am wondering if the quality is any better? Also my buddy took quite abit of test cyp from 'em and didnt put on any weight. Even the dirtiest UGL's put some lbs on ya. Hit me up and let me know?
ive been on 4 weeks. i can see that the fat loss taking place for sure. my abs are really starting to show and at the same time i havent lost a pound ive actually gained a few. its hard to see any muscle gains at this point as i am in pct from my last cycle as well. but like i said i havent lost a pound,gained a few and am looking really hard. i think i will buy from another local company when i re-up because the guy i usally buy from has been a freing for many years. the only reason i went with metragen was because it was 2.00/iu cheaper. after hearing about the raid it scared me to think that could happen when they have my money and i wouldnt get my gear!Originally Posted by pit_bully
It should be well known somatropin a jintropin are both different forms of Gh.
(I really don't know my stuff i this, it's somehting someone told but i wasn't reall listening. Anyway, they are both made by different processes, the result is that somatropin ends up with 192 amino acids, and jintropin 191 and their chemical strcuture is consdierably different. Jintropin is exact to human gh, somatropin is not. They're alot of sides with somatopin and not with jin(i think) The important thing i was told is.
it is not legal to use somatropin in medicine in the united states
it is legal to use jin
it was legal to use both but they changed it because jin was better
jin holds 75% of the chinese market share on gh, the rest is divivded up by a large number of other companies.
if your gonna use gh better make it jin
i would if i could get hold of it, but right now i know i could get as much somatropin as i want and i'm not gonna touch the stuff
peace out hope dis helps
then why do i have a prescrption for it?Originally Posted by RileyASON
I agree with this....and yet you post anyway....Originally Posted by RileyASON
Basically none of this is true. "Somatotropin" is just another name for HGH. "Somatropin" is what some compounding pharmacies call their HGH. If you were to get a prescription for GH with generic allowed, you could very possibly get Somatropin.Originally Posted by RileyASON
Expansion: "Somatotropin" is the biological compound, while "Somatropin" is evidently any synthetic; as such "Somatropin" is often used in lieu of a brand when dealing with generics.
Last edited by vermin; 11-13-2006 at 12:59 AM. Reason: Clarifying my edfinitions from merely practical to precise
Thats great. How many IU's per day are you doing? Im coming off a cycle in PCT as well and am hopping on the IGF1-LR3 so I will keep everyone posted how that works.Originally Posted by da wiz
i started 2 weeks at 2iu/day then 2 weeks 3iu/day and monday will begin 4iu/day.
I dont want to break any rules on this board by asking what they are selling you $ per IU. I think it is ok on the board cause it is a legit company and not a UGL so if you dont mind could you please PM what they are sell you per IU I will tell you what they said I can have them for per IU if you dont mind me PMing you. If I am way out of line on this will a mod please let me know. Metragen is a real legit company in the states.
Hygetropin is Somatropin for the guys that dont know.. check out this picture as proof..
Correct...Originally Posted by vermin
Adam a rep at Metragen said they can give it to me for 3.50/IU. When they called me and asked if I was intrested I told them no cause I get it for 3.50 an IU over the net. Then he told me they could give it to me for that and if I spent a decent amount of $ they could even give it for 3.25/IU. I see peeps are getting HGH over the net for 1.40-1.50/IU so thats where im gonna get it once I find the source.Originally Posted by da wiz
i got it from adam. i htough t it was a good deal at 5/iu. i guess not! im about to order another couple hundred iu's i wish i could find some at 1.50. oh well. at least this way i know im getting real gear.
True. Yeah I would just tell him that you found it cheaper and we're told by a friend that he would sell it for that. They need to honor that price or you will get it somewhere else. there a few down herein S FL that Ive heard of including LifestyleRejuvanation in Pembroke Pines.
the place i was going to before metragen wanted 7/iu. im willing to pay a little extra for the comfort of knowing its legit and prescribed but 1.50 would be nice!
check pm'sOriginally Posted by pit_bully
Too much price/source talk. This is a forum for the discussion of anabolic substances, not their procurement.
thats why i took it to pm's
so everyone still having good luck with metragen. a buddy of mine said they did a great job for him but I am still not too sure. What do you guys think? ive heard they are legit and legal ...ive been trying to search for more info. thank you
Hey, I was reading through this thread abouth Growth. I know it is prescribed and there are blackmarkets but how do you go about asking a doctor for a prescription? I tried the blackmarket and the prices are outrageous.Originally Posted by da wiz
Thanks, bro
The presciption is the easiest part of HGH. You call or order online to ANY anti-aging clinic that offers HGH and you will recieve info where and when to get blood work done. If your over 21 you WILL have decreased HGH levels so the doctor WILL write you a prescription. That easy my friend. Now on the other hand if you think the blackmarket prices are outrageous than you are in for a real shocker when you see the prices for the american HGH prescriptions. Fools pay as much as 8 per IU. Stick to the blackmarket.
I guess it just depends on the source.Originally Posted by pit_bully
OMG thank you. This guy obviously had no idea what the hell he was talking about.Originally Posted by vermin
Yeah, I had a prescription for Somatropin too. I was paying pharmacy prices and I'd lost my job halfway through my cycle, so I only had enough for six weeks. But I was feeling and seeing a difference by the time I'd ran out. Though the results I was seeing could've also been attributed at least in part to the Novarel I was also prescribed, which is a brand of GHC.
Got a doctors appointment on Friday. This time I've got health insurance. Different doctor though. But hopefully if this doctor is as accomodating, I'll be getting my HRT paid for by my HMO.
i actaully went to another anti-aging company because of convenience. i pay a little more than from metragen by 1.00/iu for the convenience it was worth it.
Da wiz check your PM's
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