I'm thinking about trying out AP's protocol starting in Jan...would be interested in some feedback from knowledgable bros...

Background: 255lb, 15-18% bf (don't really know - but can see my intercoastals in mirror), 38yo, 6ft tall..

This will be my first go-around with the big 3....

15mcg IGF in morning IM...
15mcg IGF at lunchtime IM...
10iu's HGH PWO IM
30mcg IGF 20 minutes later in muscle worked...15 in each side..IM
5iu's Slin 10 minutes later..IM

I will use this protocol at a maximum of 3 days per week..on legs and back training days - so some weeks twice while other 3 times...

I'll be running 12 weeks of deca 400mg weekly, Omna 500mg weekly...and dbol for first 4 weeks at 30mg per day...

I'm not totally committed to this protocol - thoughts??